Contributed by Chris Rathman
Reworked by Pixel <>
class virtual shape initx inity = object (self) val mutable x = initx val mutable y = inity (* accessors for x & y coordinates *) method getX = x method getY = y method setX newx = x <- newx method setY newy = y <- newy (* move the x & y position of the object *) method moveTo newx newy = self#setX newx; self#setY newy method rMoveTo deltax deltay = self#setX (self#getX + deltax); self#setY (self#getY + deltay) (* abstract draw method *) method virtual draw : unit end class rectangle initx inity initwidth initheight = object (self) inherit shape initx inity val mutable width = initwidth val mutable height = initheight (* accessors for width & height *) method getWidth = width method getHeight = height method setWidth newwidth = width <- newwidth method setHeight newheight = height <- newheight (* draw the rectangle *) method draw = Printf.printf "Drawing a Rectangle at:(%d,%d), width %d, height %d\n" self#getX self#getY self#getWidth self#getHeight end class circle initx inity initradius = object (self) inherit shape initx inity val mutable radius = initradius (* accessors for the radius *) method getRadius = radius method setRadius newradius = radius <- newradius (* draw the circle *) method draw = Printf.printf "Drawing a Circle at:(%d,%d), radius %d\n" self#getX self#getY self#getRadius end let main () = (* set up lists to hold the shapes *) let (scribble: shape list) = [ (new rectangle 10 20 5 6 :> shape); (new circle 15 25 8 :> shape)] in (* iterate through the lists and handle shapes polymorphically *) List.iter (fun each -> each#draw; each#rMoveTo 100 100; each#draw ) scribble; (* call a rectangle specific instance *) let arectangle = new rectangle 0 0 15 15 in arectangle#draw; arectangle#setWidth 30; arectangle#draw;; main ();; |
ocamlc -c ocamlc -o polymorph.exe polymorph.cmo |
Drawing a Rectangle at:(10,20), width 5, height 6 Drawing a Rectangle at:(110,120), width 5, height 6 Drawing a Circle at:(15,25), radius 8 Drawing a Circle at:(115,125), radius 8 Drawing a Rectangle at:(0,0), width 15, height 15 Drawing a Rectangle at:(0,0), width 30, height 15 |