About SICP The following C# code is derived from the examples provided in the book:
      "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Second Edition" by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman.

SICP Chapter #01 Examples in C#

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace SICP
    class SICP01
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            SICP01 me = new SICP01();

        /* 1.1.1 The Elements of Programming - Expressions */
        void Section_1_1_1()
            Console.WriteLine(137 + 349);
            Console.WriteLine(1000 - 334);
            Console.WriteLine(5 * 99);
            Console.WriteLine(10 / 5);
            Console.WriteLine(2.7 + 10.0);
            Console.WriteLine(21 + 35 + 12 + 7);
            Console.WriteLine(25 * 4 * 12);
            Console.WriteLine(3 * 5 + 10 - 6);
            Console.WriteLine(3 * (2 * 4 + 3 + 5) + 10 - 7 + 6);

        /* 1.1.2 The Elements of Programming - Naming and the Environment */
        void Section_1_1_2()
            var size = 2;
            Console.WriteLine(5 * size);
            var pi = 3.14159;
            var radius = 10.0;
            Console.WriteLine(pi * radius * radius);
            var circumference = 2.0 * pi * radius;

        /* 1.1.3 The Elements of Programming - Evaluating Combinations */
        void Section_1_1_3()
            Console.WriteLine((2 + 4 * 6) * (3 + 5 + 7));

        /* 1.1.4 The Elements of Programming - Compound Procedures */
        long Square(long x) { return x * x; }
        long Sum_Of_Squares(long x, long y) { return Square(x) + Square(y); }
        long F(long a) { return Sum_Of_Squares(a + 1, a * 2); }
        void Section_1_1_4()
            Console.WriteLine(Square(2 + 5));
            Console.WriteLine(Sum_Of_Squares(3, 4));

        /* 1.1.5 The Elements of Programming - The Substitution Model for Procedure Application */
        void Section_1_1_5()
            Console.WriteLine(Sum_Of_Squares(5 + 1, 5 * 2));
            Console.WriteLine(Square(6) + Square(10));
            Console.WriteLine(6 * 6 + 10 * 10);
            Console.WriteLine(36 + 100);
            Console.WriteLine(Sum_Of_Squares(5 + 1, 5 * 2));
            Console.WriteLine(Square(5 + 1) + Square(5 * 2));

            Console.WriteLine(((5 + 1) * (5 + 1)) + ((5 * 2) * (5 * 2)));
            Console.WriteLine((6 * 6) + (10 * 10));
            Console.WriteLine(36 + 100);

        /* 1.1.6 The Elements of Programming - Conditional Expressions and Predicates */
        double Abs(long x)
            if (x > 0)
                return x;
            else if (x == 0)
                return 0;
                return -x;
        double Abs_1(long x)
            if (x < 0)
                return -x;
                return x;
        bool GE(long x, long y) { return (x > y) || (x == y); }
        bool GE_1(long x, long y) { return !(x < y); }
        void Section_1_1_6()
            var x = 6;
            Console.WriteLine((x > 5) && (x < 10));

            // Exercise 1.1
            Console.WriteLine(5 + 3 + 4);
            Console.WriteLine(9 - 1);
            Console.WriteLine(6 / 2);
            Console.WriteLine(2 * 4 + 4 - 6);
            var a = 3;
            var b = a + 1;
            Console.WriteLine(a + b + a * b);
            Console.WriteLine(a == b);
            Console.WriteLine(((b > a) && (b < a * b)) ? b : a);
            Console.WriteLine((a == 4) ? 6 : ((b == 4) ? (6 + 7 + a) : 25));
            Console.WriteLine(2 + ((b > a) ? b : a));
            Console.WriteLine(((a > b) ? a : ((a < b) ? b : -1)) * (a + 1));

            // Exercise 1.2
            Console.WriteLine((5.0 + 4.0 + (2.0 - (3.0 - (6.0 + (4.0 / 5.0))))) /
                              (3.0 * (6.0 - 2.0) * (2.0 - 7.0)));

            // Exercise 1.5
            // commented out as this is in infinite loop
            // Test(0, P());

        // Exercise 1.3
        long Three_N(long n1, long n2, long n3)
            if (n1 > n2)
                if (n1 > n3)
                    if (n2 > n3)
                        return n1 * n1 + n2 * n2;
                        return n1 * n1 + n3 * n3;
                    return n1 * n1 + n3 * n3;
                if (n2 > n3)
                    if (n1 > n3)
                        return n2 * n2 + n1 * n1;
                        return n2 * n2 + n3 * n3;
                    return n2 * n2 + n3 * n3;

        // Exercise 1.4
        long A_Plus_Abs_B(long a, long b)
            if (b > 0)
                return a + b;
                return a - b;

        // Exercise 1.5
        long P() { return P(); }
        long Test(long x, long y)
            if (x == 0)
                return 0;
                return y;

        /* 1.1.7 The Elements of Programming - Example: Square Roots by Newton's Method */
        double Square(double x) { return x * x; }
        bool Good_Enough(double guess, double x)
            return Math.Abs(Square(guess) - x) < 0.001;
        double Average(double x, double y)
            return (x + y) / 2.0;
        double Improve(double guess, double x)
            return Average(guess, x / guess);
        double Sqrt_Iter(double guess, double x)
            if (Good_Enough(guess, x))
                return guess;
                return Sqrt_Iter(Improve(guess, x), x);
        double Sqrt(double x)
            return Sqrt_Iter(1.0, x);
        void Section_1_1_7()
            Console.WriteLine(Sqrt(100 + 37));
            Console.WriteLine(Sqrt(Sqrt(2) + Sqrt(3)));

            // Exercise 1.6
            Console.WriteLine(New_If((2 == 3), 0, 5));
            Console.WriteLine(New_If((1 == 1), 0, 5));

        // Exercise 1.6
        double New_If(bool predicate, double then_clause, double else_clause)
            if (predicate)
                return then_clause;
                return else_clause;
        double Sqrt_Iter_0(double guess, double x)
                   Good_Enough(guess, x),
                   Sqrt_Iter(Improve(guess, x), x));

        // Exercse 1.7
        bool Good_Enough_GP(double guess, double prev)
            return Math.Abs(guess - prev) / guess < 0.001;
        double Sqrt_Iter_GP(double guess, double prev, double x)
            if (Good_Enough_GP(guess, prev))
                return guess;
                return Sqrt_Iter_GP(Improve(guess, x), guess, x);
        double Sqrt_GP(double x)
            return Sqrt_Iter_GP(4.0, 1.0, x);

        // Exercise 1.8 *)
        double Improve_Cube(double guess, double x)
            return (2.0 * guess + x / (guess * guess)) / 3.0;
        double Cube_Iter(double guess, double prev, double x)
            if (Good_Enough_GP(guess, prev))
                return guess;
                return Cube_Iter(Improve_Cube(guess, x), guess, x);
        double Cube_Root_0(double x)
            return Cube_Iter(27.0, 1.0, x);

        /* 1.1.8 The Elements of Programming - Procedures as Black-Box Abstractions */
        double Square_1(double x) { return x * x; }
        double DoubleX(double x) { return x + x; }
        double Square_2(double x) { return Math.Exp(DoubleX(Math.Log(x))); }
        bool Good_Enough_1(double guess, double x)
            return Math.Abs(Square(guess) - x) < 0.001;
        double Improve_1(double guess, double x)
            return Average(guess, x / guess);
        double Sqrt_Iter_1(double guess, double x)
            if (Good_Enough_1(guess, x))
                return guess;
            else return Sqrt_Iter_1(Improve_1(guess, x), x);
        double Sqrt_1(double x)
            return Sqrt_Iter_1(1.0, x);

        // Block-structured
        // Note: Recursive lambdas require separation of declaration and assignment
        // Note: Lambda parameters can not use names defined in containing scope
        double Sqrt_2(double x)
            Func Good_Enough =
                (guess, y) =>
                    return Math.Abs(Square(guess) - y) < 0.001;
            Func Improve =
                (guess, y) =>
                    return Average(guess, y / guess);
            Func Sqrt_Iter = null;
            Sqrt_Iter =
                (guess, y) =>
                    if (Good_Enough(guess, y))
                        return guess;
                        return Sqrt_Iter(Improve(guess, y), y);
            return Sqrt_Iter(1.0, x);

        // Taking advantage of lexical scoping
        double Sqrt_3(double x)
            Func Good_Enough =
                (guess) =>
                    return Math.Abs(Square(guess) - x) < 0.001;
            Func Improve =
                (guess) =>
                    return Average(guess, x / guess);
            Func Sqrt_Iter = null;
            Sqrt_Iter =
                (guess) =>
                    if (Good_Enough(guess))
                        return guess;
                        return Sqrt_Iter(Improve(guess));
            return Sqrt_Iter(1.0);

        void Section_1_1_8()

        /* 1.2.1 Procedures and the Processes They Generate - Linear Recursion and Iteration */
        // Recursive
        long Factorial(long n)
            if (n == 1)
                return 1;
                return n * Factorial(n - 1);

        // Iterative
        long Fact_Iter(long product, long counter, long max_count)
            if (counter > max_count)
                return product;
                return Fact_Iter(counter * product, counter + 1, max_count);
        long Factorial_1(long n)
            return Fact_Iter(1, 1, n);

        // Iterative, block-structured (from footnote)
        long Factorial_2(long n)
            Func Iter = null;
            Iter =
                (product, counter) =>
                    if (counter > n)
                        return product;
                        return Iter(counter * product, counter + 1);
            return Iter(1, 1);

        void Section_1_2_1()

            // Exercise 1.10
            Console.WriteLine(A(1, 10));
            Console.WriteLine(A(2, 4));
            Console.WriteLine(A(3, 3));

        // Exercise 1.9
        long Inc(long a) { return a + 1; }
        long Dec(long a) { return a - 1; }
        long Plus(long a, long b)
            if (a == 0)
                return b;
                return Inc(Dec(a) + b);
        long Plus_1(long a, long b)
            if (a == 0)
                return b;
                return Plus_1(Dec(a), Inc(b));

        // Exercise 1.10
        long A(long x, long y)
            if (y == 0)
                return 0;
            else if (x == 0)
                return 2 * y;
            else if (y == 1)
                return 2;
                return A(x - 1, A(x, y - 1));
        long Fa(long n) { return A(0, n); }
        long Ga(long n) { return A(1, n); }
        long Ha(long n) { return A(2, n); }
        long Ka(long n) { return 5 * n * n; }

        /* 1.2.2 Procedures and the Processes They Generate - Tree Recursion */
        // Recursive
        long Fib(long n)
            switch (n)
                case 0: return 0;
                case 1: return 1;
                default: return Fib(n - 1) + Fib(n - 2);

        // Iterative
        long Fib_Iter(long a, long b, long count)
            if (count == 0)
                return b;
                return Fib_Iter(a + b, a, count - 1);
        long Fib_1(long n)
            return Fib_Iter(1, 0, n);

        // Counting change
        long First_Denomination(long x)
            switch (x)
                case 1: return 1;
                case 2: return 5;
                case 3: return 10;
                case 4: return 25;
                case 5: return 50;
                default: throw new Exception("Domain");
        long Cc(long amount, long kinds_of_coins)
            if (amount == 0)
                return 1;
            else if (amount < 0)
                return 0;
            else if (kinds_of_coins == 0)
                return 0;
                return Cc(amount, kinds_of_coins - 1) +
                       Cc(amount - First_Denomination(kinds_of_coins), kinds_of_coins);
        long Count_Change(long amount)
            return Cc(amount, 5);

        void Section_1_2_2()

        // Exercise 1.11
        long Fb(long n)
            if (n < 3)
                return n;
                return Fb(n - 1) + 2 * Fb(n - 2) + 3 * Fb(n - 3);
        long F_Iter(long a, long b, long c, long count)
            if (count == 0)
                return c;
                return F_Iter(a + 2 * b + 3 * c, a, b, count - 1);
        long Fc(long n)
            return F_Iter(2, 1, 0, n);

        // Exercise 1.12
        long Pascals_Triangle(long n, long k)
            if (n == 0)
                return 1;
            else if (k == 0)
                return 1;
            else if (n == k)
                return 1;
                return Pascals_Triangle(n - 1, k - 1) + Pascals_Triangle(n - 1, k);

        /* 1.2.3 Procedures and the Processes They Generate - Orders of Growth */
        void Section_1_2_3() { }

        // Exercise 1.15
        double Cube(double x) { return x * x * x; }
        double P(double x) { return (3.0 * x) - (4.0 * Cube(x)); }
        double sine(double angle)
            if (!(Math.Abs(angle) > 0.1))
                return angle;
                return P(sine(angle / 3.0));

        /* 1.2.4 Procedures and the Processes They Generate - Exponentiation */
        // Linear recursion
        long Expt(long b, long n)
            if (n == 0)
                return 1;
                return b * Expt(b, (n - 1));

        // Linear iteration
        long Expt_Iter(long b, long counter, long product)
            if (counter == 0)
                return product;
                return Expt_Iter(b, counter - 1, b * product);
        long Expt_1(long b, long n)
            return Expt_Iter(b, n, 1);

        // Logarithmic iteration
        bool Even(long n) { return ((n % 2) == 0); }
        long Fast_Expt(long b, long n)
            if (n == 0)
                return 1;
                if (Even(n))
                    return Square(Fast_Expt(b, n / 2));
                    return b * Fast_Expt(b, n - 1);

        void Section_1_2_4() { }

        // Exercise 1.17
        long Multiply(long a, long b)
            if (b == 0)
                return 0;
                return a + (a * (b - 1));

        // Exercise 1.19
        long Fib_Iter_(long a, long b, long p, long q, long count)
            if (count == 0)
                return b;
                if (Even(count))
                    return Fib_Iter_(a, b, p * p + q * q, 2 * p * q + q * q, count / 2);
                    return Fib_Iter_(b * q + a * q + a * p, b * p + a * q, p, q, count - 1);
        long fib_2(long n)
            return Fib_Iter_(1, 0, 0, 1, n);

        /* 1.2.5 Procedures and the Processes They Generate - Greatest Common Divisors */
        long Gcd(long a, long b)
            if (b == 0)
                return a;
                return Gcd(b, a % b);
        void Section_1_2_5()
            Console.WriteLine(Gcd(40, 6));

            // Exercise 1.20
            Console.WriteLine(Gcd(206, 40));

        /* 1.2.6 Procedures and the Processes They Generate - Example: Testing for Primality */
        // prime
        bool Divides(long a, long b) { return ((b % a) == 0); }

        long Find_Divisor(long n, long test_divisor)
            if (Square(test_divisor) > n)
                return n;
            else if (Divides(test_divisor, n))
                return test_divisor;
                return Find_Divisor(n, test_divisor + 1);

        long Smallest_Divisor(long n) { return Find_Divisor(n, 2); }

        bool Prime(long n) { return (n == Smallest_Divisor(n)); }

        // fast_prime
        long ExpMod(long nbase, long nexp, long m)
            if (nexp == 0)
                return 1;
                if (Even(nexp))
                    return Square(ExpMod(nbase, nexp / 2, m)) % m;
                    return (nbase * (ExpMod(nbase, (nexp - 1), m))) % m;

        Random random = new Random();
        bool Fermat_Test(long n)
            Func Try = (a) => (ExpMod(a, n, n) == a);
            return Try((long)Math.Round((double)random.Next((int)n)));

        bool Fast_Prime(long n, long ntimes)
            if (ntimes == 0)
                return true;
                if (Fermat_Test(n))
                    return Fast_Prime(n, ntimes - 1);
                    return false;

        void Section_1_2_6()
            // Exercise 1.21

            // Exercise 1.27

        // Exercise 1.22
        void Report_Prime(long elapsed_time)
            Console.WriteLine(" *** " + elapsed_time);
        void Start_Prime_Test(long n, DateTime start_time)
            if (Prime(n))
        void Timed_Prime_Test(long n)
            Start_Prime_Test(n, DateTime.Now);

        // Exercise 1.25
        long ExpMod_(long nbase, long nexp, long m)
            return Fast_Expt(nbase, nexp) % m;

        // Exercise 1.26
        long ExpMod_2(long nbase, long nexp, long m)
            if (nexp == 0)
                return 1;
                if (Even(nexp))
                    return (ExpMod_2(nbase, (nexp / 2), m) * ExpMod_2(nbase, (nexp / 2), m)) % m;
                    return (nbase * ExpMod_2(nbase, nexp - 1, m)) % m;

        // Exercise 1.27
        bool Carmichael(long n)
            return Fast_Prime(n, 100) && !Prime(n);

        /* 1.3 Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures */
        long Cube(long x) { return x * x * x; }
        void Section_1_3() { }

        /* 1.3.1 Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures - Procedures as Arguments */
        long Sum_Integers(long a, long b)
            if (a > b)
                return 0;
                return a + Sum_Integers(a + 1, b);

        long Sum_Cubes(long a, long b)
            if (a > b)
                return 0;
                return Cube(a) + Sum_Cubes(a + 1, b);

        double Pi_Sum(double a, double b)
            if (a > b)
                return 0.0;
                return (1.0 / (a * (a + 2.0))) + Pi_Sum(a + 4.0, b);

        long Sum(Func term, long a, Func next, long b)
            if (a > b)
                return 0;
                return term(a) + Sum(term, next(a), next, b);

        // Using sum
        long Inc_(long n) { return n + 1; }

        long Sum_Cubes_1(long a, long b)
            return Sum(Cube, a, Inc_, b);

        long Identity(long x) { return x; }

        long Sum_Integers_(long a, long b)
            return Sum(Identity, a, Inc_, b);

        double Sum(Func term, double a, Func next, double b)
            if (a > b)
                return 0.0;
                return term(a) + Sum(term, next(a), next, b);

        double Pi_Sum_(double a, double b)
            Func pi_term = (x) => 1.0 / (x * (x + 2.0));
            Func pi_next = (x) => x + 4.0;
            return Sum(pi_term, a, pi_next, b);

        double Integral(Func f, double a, double b, double dx)
            Func add_dx = (x) => x + dx;
            return Sum(f, a + (dx / 2.0), add_dx, b) * dx;

        // same as above
        double cube(double x) { return x * x * x; }

        void Section_1_3_1()
            Console.WriteLine(Sum_Cubes_1(1, 10));
            Console.WriteLine(Sum_Integers_(1, 10));
            Console.WriteLine(8.0 * Pi_Sum_(1.0, 1000.0));
            Console.WriteLine(Integral(Cube, 0.0, 1.0, 0.01));
            Console.WriteLine(Integral(Cube, 0.0, 1.0, 0.001));

            // Exercise 1.29
            Console.WriteLine(Simpson(Cube, 0.0, 1.0, 100));

            // Exercise 1.30
            Console.WriteLine(Sum_Cubes_2(1, 10));

            // Exercise 1.33
            Filtered_Accumulate((x, y) => x + y, 0, Square, 1, Inc, 5, Prime);

        // Exercise 1.29
        double Simpson(Func f, double a, double b, long n)
            var h = Math.Abs(b - a) / (double)n;
            Func, long, double, double> sum_iter = null;
            sum_iter = (start, next, stop, acc) =>
                if (start > stop)
                    return acc;
                    return sum_iter(next(start), next, stop, acc + f(a + (double)start * h));
            return h * sum_iter(1, Inc, n, 0.0);

        // Exercise 1.30
        long Sum_Iter(Func term, long a, Func next, long b, long acc)
            if (a > b)
                return acc;
                return Sum_Iter(term, next(a), next, b, acc + term(a));
        long Sum_Cubes_2(long a, long b)
            return Sum_Iter(Cube, a, Inc, b, 0);

        // Exercise 1.31
        long Product(Func term, long a, Func next, long b)
            if (a > b)
                return 1;
                return term(a) * Product(term, next(a), next, b);
        long Factorial_3(long n)
            return Product(Identity, 1, Inc, n);

        long Product_Iter(Func term, long a, Func next, long b, long acc)
            if (a > b)
                return acc;
                return Product_Iter(term, next(a), next, b, acc * term(a));

        // Exercise 1.32
        long Accumulate(Func combiner, long null_value, Func term, long a, Func next, long b)
            if (a > b)
                return null_value;
                return combiner(term(a), Accumulate(combiner, null_value, term, next(a), next, b));
        long Sum(long a, long b)
            return Accumulate((x, y) => x + y, 0, Identity, a, Inc, b);
        long Product(long a, long b)
            return Accumulate((x, y) => x * y, 1, Identity, a, Inc, b);

        long Accumulate_Iter(Func combiner, Func term, long a, Func next, long b, long acc)
            if (a > b)
                return acc;
                return Accumulate_Iter(combiner, term, next(a), next, b, combiner(acc, term(a)));
        long Sum_(long a, long b)
            return Accumulate_Iter((x, y) => x + y, Identity, a, Inc, b, 0);
        long product(long a, long b)
            return Accumulate_Iter((x, y) => x * y, Identity, a, Inc, b, 1);

        // Exercise 1.33
        long Filtered_Accumulate(Func combiner, long null_value, Func term, long a, Func next, long b, Func pred)
            if (a > b)
                return null_value;
                if (pred(a))
                    return combiner(term(a), Filtered_Accumulate(combiner, null_value, term, next(a), next, b, pred));
                    return Filtered_Accumulate(combiner, null_value, term, next(a), next, b, pred);

        /* 1.3.2 Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures - Constructing Procedures Using Lambda */
        double Pi_Sum_2(double a, double b)
            return Sum((x) => 1.0 / (x * (x + 2.0)), a, (x) => x + 4.0, b);

        double Integral_(Func f, double a, double b, double dx)
            return Sum(f, a + (dx / 2.0), (x) => x + dx, b) * dx;

        long Plus4(long x) { return x + 4; }

        // Using let
        long Fd(long x, long y)
            Func f_helper = (a, b) => (x * Square(a)) + (y * b) + (a * b);
            return f_helper(1 + (x * y), 1 - y);

        long Fe(long x, long y)
            Func fx = (a, b) => (x * Square(a)) + (y * b) + (a * b);
            return fx(1 + (x * y), 1 - y);

        long Ff(long x, long y)
            var a = 1 + (x * y);
            var b = 1 - y;
            return (x * Square(a)) + (y * b) + (a * b);

        long Fg(long x, long y)
            var a = 1 + (x * y);
            var b = 1 - y;
            return (x + Square(a)) + (y * b) + (a * b);

        void Section_1_3_2()
            Func plus4 = (x) => x + 4;

            // Note:  Haven't figured a way to get around assigning function to a variable
            // Console.WriteLine(((x, y, z) => x + y + Square(z))(1, 2, 3));
            Func f1 = (x, y, z) => x + y + Square(z);
            Console.WriteLine(f1(1, 2, 3));

            /* C# does not have let binding, so I'm not sure how to best translate these snippets
                var x = 5;
                    var x = 3;
                    x + (x * 10);
                } + x;

                var x = 2;
                    var y = x + 2;
                        var x = 3;
                        x * y;

            Console.WriteLine(Fh((z) => z * (z + 1)));

        // Exercise 1.34
        long Fh(Func g) { return g(2); }

        /* 1.3.3 Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures - Procedures as General Methods */
        // Half-interval method
        bool Close_Enough(double x, double y)
            return (Math.Abs(x - y) < 0.001);

        bool Positive(double x) { return (x >= 0.0); }
        bool Negative(double x) { return !Positive(x); }

        double Search(Func f, double neg_point, double pos_point)
            var midpoint = Average(neg_point, pos_point);
            if (Close_Enough(neg_point, pos_point))
                return midpoint;
                var test_value = f(midpoint);
                if (Positive(test_value))
                    return Search(f, neg_point, midpoint);
                else if (Negative(test_value))
                    return Search(f, midpoint, pos_point);
                    return midpoint;

        double Half_Interval_Method(Func f, double a, double b)
            var a_value = f(a);
            var b_value = f(b);
            if (Negative(a_value) && Positive(b_value))
                return Search(f, a, b);
            else if (Negative(b_value) && Positive(a_value))
                return Search(f, b, a);
            else throw new Exception("Values are not of opposite sign" + a + " " + b);

        // Fixed points
        double tolerance = 0.00001;

        double Fixed_Point(Func f, double first_guess)
            Func Close_Enough = (v1, v2) => Math.Abs(v1 - v2) < tolerance;
            Func Try = null;
            Try =
                (guess) =>
                    var next = f(guess);
                    if (Close_Enough(guess, next))
                        return next;
                        return Try(next);
            return Try(first_guess);

        // Note: this diverges
        double Sqrt_4(double x)
            return Fixed_Point((y) => x / y, 1.0);

        double Sqrt_5(double x)
            return Fixed_Point((y) => Average(y, x / y), 1.0);

        void Section_1_3_3()
            Console.WriteLine(Half_Interval_Method(Math.Sin, 2.0, 4.0));
            Console.WriteLine(Half_Interval_Method((x) => (x * x * x) - (2.0 * x) - 3.0, 1.0, 2.0));
            Console.WriteLine(Fixed_Point(Math.Cos, 1.0));
            Console.WriteLine(Fixed_Point((y) => Math.Sin(y) + Math.Cos(y), 1.0));

            // Exercise 1.36
            // 35 guesses before convergence
            Console.WriteLine(Fixed_Point((x) => Math.Log(1000.0) / Math.Log(x), 1.5));
            // 11 guesses before convergence
            Console.WriteLine(Fixed_Point(Average_Damp((x) => Math.Log(1000.0) / Math.Log(x)), 1.5));

        // Exercise 1.35
        double goldenRatio()
            return Fixed_Point((x) => 1.0 + 1.0 / x, 1.0);

        // Exercise 1.37
        /* exercise left to reader to define cont_frac
            Console.WriteLine(Cont_Frac((i) => 1.0, (i) => 1.0, k));

        /* 1.3.4 Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures - Procedures as Returned Values */
        Func Average_Damp(Func f)
            return (x) => Average(x, f(x));

        double Sqrt_6(double x)
            return Fixed_Point(Average_Damp((y) => x / y), 1.0);

        double Cube_Root(double x)
            return Fixed_Point(Average_Damp((y) => x / Square(y)), 1.0);

        // Newton's method
        double dx = 0.00001;
        Func Deriv(Func g)
            return (x) => (g(x + dx) - g(x)) / dx;

        double Cube_1(double x) { return x * x * x; }

        Func Newton_Transform(Func g)
            return (x) => x - (g(x) / (Deriv(g)(x)));

        double Newtons_Method(Func g, double guess)
            return Fixed_Point(Newton_Transform(g), guess);

        double Sqrt_7(double x)
            return Newtons_Method((y) => Square(y) - x, 1.0);

        // Fixed point of transformed function
        double Fixed_Point_Of_Transform(Func g, Func, Func> transform, double guess)
            return Fixed_Point(transform(g), guess);

        double Sqrt_8(double x)
            return Fixed_Point_Of_Transform((y) => x / y, Average_Damp, 1.0);

        double Sqrt_9(double x)
            return Fixed_Point_Of_Transform((y) => Square(y) - x, Newton_Transform, 1.0);

        void Section_1_3_4()

            // Exercise 1.40
            Console.WriteLine(Newtons_Method(Cubic(5.0, 3.0, 2.5), 1.0));

            // Exercise 1.41

            // Exercise 1.42
            Console.WriteLine((Compose(Square, Inc))(6));

            // Exercise 1.43
            Console.WriteLine((Repeated(Square, 2))(5));

            // Exercise 1.44
            Console.WriteLine(Fixed_Point(Smooth((x) => Math.Log(1000.0) / Math.Log(x), 0.05), 1.5));

            // Exercise 1.46
            Console.WriteLine(Fixed_Point_(Average_Damp((x) => Math.Log(1000.0) / Math.Log(x)), 1.5));

        // Exercise 1.40
        Func Cubic(double a, double b, double c)
            return (x) => Cube(x) + a * x * x + b * x + c;

        // Exercise 1.41
        Func DoubleY(Func f)
            return (x) => f(f(x));

        // Exercise 1.42
        Func Compose(Func f, Func g)
            return (x) => f(g(x));

        // Exercise 1.43
        Func Repeated(Func f, long n)
            Func iterate = null;
            iterate =
                (arg, i) =>
                    if (i > n)
                        return arg;
                        return iterate(f(arg), i + 1);
            return (x) => iterate(x, 1);

        // Exercise 1.44
        Func Smooth(Func f, double dx)
            return (x) => Average(x, (f(x - dx) + f(x) + f(x + dx)) / 3.0);

        // Exercise 1.46
        Func Iterative_Improve(Func good_enough, Func improve)
            //(double * double -> bool) * (double -> double) -> double -> double

            Func iterate = null;
            iterate =
                (guess) =>
                    var next = improve(guess);
                    if (good_enough(guess, next))
                        return next;
                        return iterate(next);
            return (x) => iterate(x);
        double Fixed_Point_(Func f, double first_guess)
            var tolerance = 0.00001;
            Func good_enough =
                (v1, v2) =>
                    return Math.Abs(v1 - v2) < tolerance;
            return (Iterative_Improve(good_enough, f))(first_guess);

Chris Rathman / Chris.Rathman@tx.rr.com