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As I sit here on my throne I hear the faint heartbeats of the people above me. Running, playing, laughing not knowing that I sit here waiting to devour their life blood the first chance I get. My thirst goes stronger and stronger everyday with each new victim I take, and my life that was fades away that much more. I can't recall much of anymore, mostly little things, places and faces with no names. I do remember my awakening though, yes that seems to burn in me every night I awake. A man with no real shape, low raspy voice and those eyes, something about those eyes that made the world fade away. In an instant it seemed I was traveling from place to place and he told me of whom I could be what he could make me. My heart throbbed with anticipation, wanting to do all these things, not really knowing the curse that with along with it. The curse of living in the dark forever, never seeing the sunrise or growing old with those I knew. I awoke sometime later in a dark and damp cave somewhere in the woods. Mice and bats where everywhere And they seemed to move in slow motion. I could hear their heartbeats; see their veins pulse, and something inside of me cried out to taste their blood. My first kills where by far my worst but still my best. With those kills I felt new life breathed into me, felt strength I had never know before. I didn't know what I had become or what had happened to that shapeless man that I was with so I ventured out seeing the light at the opening of the cave. The closer I got the more I started to hurt, and the weaker I became. The first ray of light touched my skin And I felt like I was being burned alive, heh alive, if I had only known. I had heard tales of Vampires, the undead, but passed them off as kiddy stories used to keep them in at night, and now here I was, one of them.

I get a chill running through my body, ahh nightfall is coming soon, and with that someone poor fools death will follow. I learned many, many, many years ago that with each new kill I seemed to get a new power, something that aided me in my hunts. Giving me the abilities to hide myself from mortal eyes, take control of their minds and make them turn and run with a glace of my eyes. I have met many other like myself in my travels looking for new hunting grounds, a place I could gain all the knowledge and power I needed. They have shared their secrets with me as well as their blood. With every new vampire I’m allowed to feed upon my senses grow more and more, making my blood in me feel like it is on fire.