______In the early 1800s, after Mexico gained its independence from Spain, it recognized that although it had legal claim to much of North America it also had very few people settled on its northern frontier. Knowing that possession was nine-tenths of the law, Mexico encouraged Americans to settle in the frontier territory of Texas, after they swore allegience to that country.
______Unfortunately, the new settlers and Mexico City didn't exactly see eye-to-eye, especially when a military dictatorship under General Santa Ana took over. Americans are used to VOTING for the people who are in charge of them and didn't take kindly to having their liberties taken away.
______In September 1835 the commander of the Mexican garrison at San Antonio demanded a cannon that had been loaned to the settlers at Gonzales for defense against Indian attacks. The settlers refused. A detachment was sent out to retrieve the guns by force if necessary.
______Other Texans heard of the dispute, grabbed their rifles and muskets, and went to Gonzales to help defend them from the Mexicans. A defiant flag, featuring a cannon, a lone star, and the phrase "Come And Take It" was created. The flag illustrated the cause for which the rebels were finally willing to fight: their own self-defense.
______When the Mexicans pitched camp nearby, the Texans decided to strike first, before more troops arrived. The surprise attack at dawn on October 2nd saw the first shots fired in the Texas War of Independence and the rout of the small Mexican detachment.
______Only one Mexican soldier had died and none of the Texans had been wounded. Soon there were over 500 Texans collected at Gonzales and a detachment at Goliad, where Mexican Army supplies were seized. Stephen Austin was elected General.
______The Texans eventually left Gonzales in order to seize the more important town of San Antonio. It was the beginning of a new country, whose history would include the Alamo fight, the Battle of San Jacinto, and eventual statehood.


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