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Chapter Two: LANDING

___An image of Tiny Tim popped up on the 3D wallscreen. Burt immediately vaporized it with a burst of his laser pistol.
___Another one appeared to his right. It got as far as "Tip-toe through the..." before Burt blasted it. Then two Tiny Tims appeared directly in front of him, menacingly pointing their ukeleles at him. Both disappeared in laser blasts as Burt took cover behind a large beam, which was moved into the simulation chamber as part of the exercise.
___"This is absolutely NOTHING like Korea," Burt said to himself, as he responded to the sound of "... with me" behind him by rolleing over a metal block and swinging the weapon to face the Tiny Tim attempting to sneak up on him. Like the rest, he vaporized into a satisfying flash.
___The alien moonscape on the screen faded, replaced by one foot letters in nufonic proclaiming the exercise over and that performance was satisfactory.
___"Not bad for a someone over 170 years old." He said out loud. Of course, now it was as if he were 25 years old again.

Mark II Pistol

___He placed the training pistol back in its wall-mounted slot and put his jacket back on. He looked at the clock and sighed. "Oh well, better get ready to go." he didn't look forward to leaving one of the few places on the destiny equipped with artificial gravity.
___With difficulty, Burt transferred from the gravity section to the main hull. With the help of propellor handles that lined each corridor he made good time to the "cryonaut" quarters.
___"Well, THAT was thoughtful..." Kelly drawled as he went through a box. His hand game up with a lacy garter. "Looks like someone sent me off proper."
___"What's with the boxes?" Burt asked as he noticed an unopened one with his name on it.
___"They're our personal effects." Nigel said as he closed his kitbag. "The Cargo Section just found them in the container they were stored in."
___Burt opened his box and took a look inside. There were some clothes, his keys (utterly useless now), a copy of The Complete Works of the Marx Brothers...
___And his nagant revolver.
___It caught Nigel's eye. "Isn't that a Russian pistol?"
___Burt rummaged inside the box and came up with a smaller box of bullets. "Yep. I found this in Korea."
___Kelly gave him a funny look. "The previous owner didn't need it any more." Burt explained.
___Will's box was bigger than everyone else's, and it was soon obvious why. Will pulled out the largest boombox Burt ever remembered seeing. "All right! I used to listen to this in the backyard..."
___"You'll have trouble picking up any stations out here." Kelly pointed out.
___"And I don't EVEN know where you're going to find any eight-tracks." Burt pointed out.
___Will sighed, then put the boombox back. "I'll just leave it here for now."
___Burt grinned, then put the nagant in one of the jacket pockets. Nigel noticed and said "Expecting trouble?"
___"Hopefully not."
___"These here laser guns are supposed to be better than anything we used to carry." Kelly pointed out.
___"Yeah? Some of the rifles the chicoms were toting around in Korea were over 50 years old. They'd kill you just as fast as a new model submachinegun."
___Kelly shrugged. He was about to close his box when he noticed something shiny inside. "Hey... !" He pulled out a pair of aviation wings. "I completely forgot about these."
___He pinned them on his jacket then gave Burt an odd glance. "OK, eltee?"
___Burt glanced self-consciously at his single stripe on his cuff. "I don't see why not. In fact..." Burt looked into his own box again and came up with his Expert Infantryman Badge with a single star above its wreath. Like Kelly, he pinned it on his jacket.
___Helen and Christie came over from their adjacent wardroom, grasping handholds as they manuevered in the zero-gravity environment.
___Christie took one glance at the Kelly and Burt's uniforms. "Couple of fascists..." she mumbled.
___"At ease, Private." Burt shot back. Then he looked around. "Everybody ready to go?"
___Everyone nodded or finished transferring equipment to their cargo bags. "OK, then, let's head to the shuttle deck."

___The shuttle deck was huge. All of the Destiny's small fleet of support spacecraft were still on the deck, making things crowded. They included large, ungainly-looking cargo ships, somewhat smaller passenger ships, and special spacecraft like the landers.
___"So, this is space..." Will said out loud as everyone just stared at the spacecraft, the deck crewman prepping the different ships, and the circular cargo platforms flying across the deck.
___The Deck Section was removing the fuel hose and power umbilicals from the Lander Titov while the team simply stared at the unfolding spectacle. The left-side window of the lander's cockpit was open and a female voice yelled out at them: "YOU! Cryonauts! You are delaying my departure. Get aboard the ship schnell!
___"Man, have we been drafted into the Wehrmacht?" Burt muttered as he boarded a nearby cargo platform. He helped the others get aboard and put their things under the platform's restraining straps. The platform's controls made the trip over to the Titov's smaller cargo door very simple, even if the team had trouble hanging on to the platform's rails.
___A flight crewman met them at the door. "Lieutenant Tempelhof and Flight Sergeant Green are to report to the cockpit immediately."
___Burt lowered Slinky from his shoulders, where the cat had been riding ever since they left their quarters. "Wait for me here, and be a good cat." Burt told him.
___"Bite me." The cat replied in his raspy voice.
___The cockpit was a couple of decks above the cargo/passenger hold. The pilot who had yelled at them was busy prepping her control board. Another flight officer was sitting in the co-pilot chair and beamed when he saw Burt and Kelly. "Ah, our cryonauts. My name is Lieutenant-Commander Mirax DepGoot and I'm in charge of the overall mission."
___"Lieutenant Tempelhof." Burt said, shaking hands. "And this is Flight Sergeant Kelly Green."
___Kelly whistled. "So this is what it looks like for real. Nice!" He plopped down in the co-pilot seat just vacated by Depgoot and began reaching for the control pad...
___"NO! The pilot shrieked as she slapped Kelly's hands. "You are NOT copilot on this mission."
___"This is Senior Lieutenant Helga Rhinetochter, pilot and second-in-command." Depgoot told them.
___"Pleased to meet ya, little lady!" Kelly said, smiling broadly.
___Helga gave him an icy stare. Then she said "Your position, Flight Sergeant," she stabbed Kelly's four stripes on his arm, pressing in the planet emblem with her finger for emphasis, "is in the spare navigator seat. The one behind you."
___Kelly was still grinning as he climbed out of the seat. He passed close by Burt.
___"What are you so happy about?" Burt whispered.
___"She wants me." Kelly said, just loud enough for the pilot to possibly hear. Burt rolled his eyes.
___"Completing preflight. Entering launch window." Helga said, matter of factly. She reached up and activated the commsystem. "Titov ready for flight, Control."
___"All personnel clearing shuttle deck. Standby for permission to move to Spot One, Titov."
___Burt strapped himself in, and saw another sleek, gull-winged lander outside his window. "Whose is that?" He asked DepGoot.
___"Ah. That's the Glenn. That belongs to second team. It's on standby as our rescue ship, should anything go wrong."
___"Well, that's reassuring." Burt muttered, swinging his data display console in front of him.
___The voice of Control came back on. "The shuttle deck his clear. Move to Spot One, Titov."
___"Roger." Helga's voice replied, her german accent clear. "Complying."
___Helga used the gripwheels of the lander to move along the "deck," following the lines and symbols until she reached a large "1" in a circle. Arrows pointed from Spot One to the wide door on one side of the deck. "Lander Titov on Spot One, Control."
___"Standby, Titov." Flashing red and blue lights appeared as if by magic all over the deck. A word appeared on the door in nufonic, but Burt couldn't make out at first. Then he realized it was "Depressurizing." The door began to pull "upward," revealing the stars outside, in strange and unfamiliar constellations.
___"Titov, this is Control. You are clear to depart. Good luck."
___"Roger!" Helga said. The ship status display indicated that the wheels were being retracted. The Titov must be hovering above the deck, Burt mused.
___"Low thrusters, direct flight." DepGoot said from his seat.
___There was no noise, nor a great burst of speed. Instead the lander almost casually glided along the deck following the arrows, until it went out the open door.
___Once clear, the lander began rotating, changing its aspect. Burt could see for the first time the huge shape of the Destiny. The interstellar spacecraft hung over Haven, lights shining on its hull emphasising its massive size.
___"Wow." Burt said, in quiet awe.
___"Ditto." added Kelly.
___"Titov, this is Control." Came over the speakers. "You are clear of Destiny's Safety Zone. Proceed to modified orbit and descent."
___"Roger." Helga replied. She referred to the navigation display, set and fired the nose thrusters. The blackness beyond the front window flared silently.

Lander Titov

___Burt looked at his display. "Orbit dropping according to programmed flightplan." He said, trying to make himself sound useful.
___"Roger." Helga replied from her seat.
___The beautiful green and brown globe of Haven became larger and larger, the horizen less and less curved. The blackness began to give way to dark blue...
___"Entering the atmosphere." Helga said. She flipped the intercom switch. "This is the pilot. We are about to begin re-entry. Standby for buffeting."
___"How rough IS a re-entry in one of these things?" Kelly asked DepGoot.
___The man shrugged. "I have no idea. We've only done this in simulation."
___"WHAT?" almost screamed.
___"This is the first flight of this design. Ever." Said Helga.
___Further conversation came to an end as the first shock of re-entry hit the spacecraft. Red streaks began to appear on either side of the Titov's nose.
___The lander shook violently a few times during the re-entry phase, jarring Burt despite his restraining straps. Burt could swear he could hear the scream of air outside the hull, despite the ship's sophisticated insulation.
___"Adjust wings for atmospheric flight." Helga said. "Engage jet engines."
___Burt watched his display as the image of the flyer changed its gull wings to suit the unique atmospheric characteristics of Haven.
___DepGoot watched his display, which now had a map of the planet with wavy lines representing Destiny's and Titov's orbits. "We are coming up on Herculanum's land mass. Altitude 30 kilometers and dropping."
___The ocean below gave way to land. Below, Burt could see whitecaps of the sea (what is it's name, he wondered), cliffs, and then a plain bordered by mountains to the, what? north and south?
___"Reducing to subsonic." Helga said. "Prepare to take over on vertical thrusters."
___"Roger." DepGoot responded. The map on his display was now a local display, a scale of just a few miles to a side. Then he brought up a new display that included a three-dimensional image of the Titov augmented by yaw, pitch, and roll indicators. He deactivated and pushed the control yoke forward, then pulled up an arm with a simple-looking joystick.
___"Decelerating below stall speed." Helga told him.
___Depgoot nodded. "Activating vertical thrusters to compensate."
___The Titov was now only a few hundred yards above the ground. Burt could see what was mostly a featureless plain, marred by hills and boulders in some places.
___"Dropping the landing gear. Control is over to you." Helga said, deactivating her control yoke.
___Burt could feel the ship vibrate slightly. Apparently the thrusters did not operate as smoothly as the other propulsion systems.
___Helga had her display switched to the same image as DepGoot's. "Yaw about five degrees to port. That may save us some trouble lifting off."
___"Roger." DepGoot said, watching as the numbers changed. Then he slowly dropped the thrust levels, as indicated by bars on the panel and on the screen.
___The image on the screen displayed the ship as it touched the ground. Burt expected to feel a bump, but instead the vibrations slowed then ceased. The thrust bars went to zero.
___"Control, we have arrived." Helga said, a hint of pride in her voice. "Humans are on Haven."