There's Nothing Like the Feeling of Dumb Asses in the Air

Don't you just love it when Brit fans come sticking up for her for no particular reason? Me neither. Anyway, here are some flames I have gotten. My comments are in the blue @s.

Name: this site is gay @WHAT ISSUES DO YOU HAVE WITH GAYS? I'm not one myself but some of my friends are and !?@#$%!@
E-mail: @some bold bastard@
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL: http://
Referred By: Search Engine
Comments: I think that all you are is some jealous @I'll hand this much to him; he/she/it spelled jealous right@ piece of shit that thinks that shes fuckin funny @you really think so?@ by doin shit like this and feels that shes better then britney by saying shit i think that u need 2 get a fuckin life @I think YOU need some English lessons but you don't hear me bitching about it@ and dont look or listen if it bothers u that much @if she wasn't shoved into my damn face 24/7, I would; I mean if I were blind/deaf, it wouldn't make a difference@

From @bitches get their addresses put up! now isn't she special?@
Your knot fare
You donnt like BRITTNEY SPIRES@a fan doesn't even know how to spell the name? now that's sad@. So why do you take so mush time and ifferert too put a hole web sighte about her @this girl needs some serious spelling lessons; Britney does make her fans dumber@ .You probaley dont have a High School Deploma eather @yeah? what's it to ya?@.You or a fucking bicth and allso stuped. @speaking of stupid, this girl is about as smart as George W.@ I dare you too print thes letter. @this girl needs some spelling lessons very soon@

From Brandon
Referred by- Surfed in
i didnt mean to see ur site, i just ran by @ok. that's nice@ ... its not that i dont like ur idea for the site @then what's the damn problem?@, its just that ur comments are tasteless and boring @as are yours...*yawns*@. The site dosent bother me, it just plain sucks! @huh? it doesn't bother you but it sucks? interesting...@ dont u have anything better to do with ur time? @that totally confused me. he supports the idea but has problems with my site...give me some time to think@

From- **** @Heck, I've still got a soul; she wasn't that shitty@
- hello

those nick names are so studied @ooooh...we've got a smart fan!@ the only nasty person is you @wah-wah!@ if you hate @run-on sentence; forget the smart fan part@, britney so much then why did you waste your time to go to her website or make a page about her @I think I stand for all anti-sites when I say this- WHY THE F**K ARE YOU VISITING AN ANTI-PAGE IF ALL YOU'RE GONNA DO IS FLAME IT???? How many fan sites have you gone to where an anti-person signs the guestbook or says "she's so icky" or something like that? I'm gonna need to make a disclaimer@ she is not nasty @opinions vary@ when you say stuff about her your @you're; can't stand grammatical errors@ really saying it to me because i look i little like britney @just because you look a little like Britney doesn't mean I'm saying it to you! If you were prancing around lip-syncing, lying about guys and sex, wearing practically nothing, then maybe I'd be talking about you@ below is a pic of me @No, never saw it; I think it's some mail-problem thing@

As you can probably tell, if you read my guestbook, "Steve" is pretty pissed off. Here's what he had to say ---
SUCK MY DICK @surprised you have one; why don't you double-check@ LITTLE ASSHOLE FUCKERS @very touchy@ !!! WHAT DID SHE EVER DO TO YOU @just pierced my eardrums@? Don't delete this or you'll look like a coward @who's the coward if you don't leave your e-mail address; that's what I thought@ .