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I'm So In Love With You

I'm So In Love With You

Just telling you......,
doesn't even begin to express,
the very passionate way,
you make me feel.

Let me show you.......,
what's in my heart and soul,
as our hands, our lips,
and our bodies meet.

Let me surround you,
with all of my love and also,
my warmth and passion,
loving you so fully and completely.

Let me dispel any doubts,
and fulfill all hopes,
and dreams you may have about,
my love and desire for you......

Let me show you,
just what mere words,
could never even say.....,
I truly love you ! : )

*~ Love is the most beautiful and special gift ~*
that you can ever give to someone : )
~ HTxRose ~

"The best and most beautiful things in the world,
cannot be seen or even touched.....
they must be felt with the heart."
~ Hellen Keller ~

*~True love only comes along once in a lifetime,~*
if you are lucky enough to find it,
treasure and cherish it,
never taking it for granted.....,
dreams can and do come true,
don't ever be afraid to follow your heart! : )
~ HTxRose ~

This site was created and designed with love by
HTxRose Enterprises
Houston, Texas

Thankx for stopping in : )

You have some really lovely pages
and I am awarding you with my Romantic Site Award.
Keep up the good work.
=) Misty

Congradulations....I have visited your site and I was very impressed with your web page design.....only the best of the best receive this Award.

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