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What Is Love ?

For some love is nothing more than deceit and lies ,
causing tears to flow from someone's eyes .

For others love is only a game ,
seeing how many hearts that they can claim .

For some love is only about material things ,
all they care about is fullfilling thier Golden Dreams .

For others love is excuses for absence that are so lame ,
they leave you all alone to play a waiting game .

For some love is taking whatever they think they can ,
but never returning anything back again .

For others love is cruel and unkind
they break a heart and take your peace of mind .

Is this how love is really supposed to be ????????
Now , I will tell you what love means to me : )

To me love is beautiful , kind , gentle , and caring ,
with honesty , trust , and sharing .

To me love is showing someone how special they are ,
and letting them know that they do matter and are loved .

To me love is giving completely with your heart ,
where love rules and passion reigns , and respect is a part .

To me love is igniting a fire ,
built upon the heart's dreams and desires .

To me love is also food for the soul ,
where the seeds of love are free to grow .

So now you see what love means to me ,
could it mean the same to you ?

written by ~ HTxRose ~
This poem may not be copied or reproduced in any way
without my prior consent.

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HTxRose Enterprises
Houston, Texas

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