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The New Frontier Presents...

A Lefthand Production
In association with the Quantum Reality Algorithmic Progect

click here->The FAIRE PAGE<-click here

Minnesota Renaissance Festival 2005 Photos

Photos and links for the 23rd annual Scarborough Faire April 12th through June 1st, 2003
Scarborough Faire 2003 Page
Pictures from Scarborough Faire 2001
Pictures from Hawkwood Faire 2000
Hawkwood Fantasy Faire 2000 Pictures
TRF 2000
TRF 2000
TNF HAWKWOOD FAIRE 2001 PORTAL PAGE. See pictures and use links to visit sites related to Hawkwood Faire 2001
Hawkwood Fantasy Faire 2001 Pictures
TNF TRF 2002 PORTAL PAGE. See pictures and use links to visit sites related to Texas Ren Festival 2002
TRF 2002 Pictures


I want to be a Mud Show Man

Visit the Photo Gallery of Bill the Sot

Three sketches made in 1990 inspired by a fantasy role play game that gave birth to the character Lefthand Athame
The adventures of Lefthand Athame

Visit the TNF Web Shell for links to ALL TNF FAIRE SITES and more!!!

The New Frontier Presents...

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