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Things that go Mack in the night

Hey everyone, like one of my betters I intend to put a little bit of everything on this page. Quotes, jokes, sayings, little pieces of useless information. Those are my specialities and you shall be bombarded with them while here.

Hey, here I have put some great drinks for all of you to memorize for May 2/4. Learn them now!!! Try them later. -->>>DRINKS

Good Quotes - Cheer Up

If you can't beat em, arrange to have em beaten"
"If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy all her friends"
"Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines"
"Whatever look you were going for, you missed"
"If a tree falls on a mime in the woods does anyone hear him?"
"98% of statistics are made up"
"Generalizations are bad"
"And your cry baby, whiny-assed opinion would be..."

"All the tyrannies of former reigns, acted under that hereditary was against the hereditary despotism of the established government has the appearance of being so in show, and in normal authority; but it is not so in practice, and in fact. It has its standard everywhere. Every office and department has its despotism, founded upon custom and usage." ---- Thomas Paine

"No one man is capable, without aid of society, of supplying his own wants; and those wants, acting upon every individual, impel the whole of them into society, as naturally as gravitation acts toa center. But she has gone further. She has not only forced man into society, by a diverstiy of wants, which the reciprocal aid of each other can supply, but she has implanted in him a system of social affections, which, though not necessary to his existence, are essential to his happiness." ---- Thomas Paine

"But Notice: "wanting to think a certain way" is also a thought, and so it's built out of the very same collection of parts. We can want to think only in the way we're built to think!!" ----Ray Jackendoff

"It does not appear to be the size of our brain that makes these concepts of social relations possible...What allows us to have these concepts is a certain kind of structure in our brains, a structure shared with other social mammals. What the size of our brains seems to give us is the ability to have a lot more of the same: the vast elaboration of kinship, group membership, and dominance in humans as compared to animals." ---- Ray Jackendoff

"We start, then, with nothing, pure zero.... There is no compulsion and no law. It is boundless freedom." ----Charles S. Peirce, (1898)