Karl Edward Wagner
I wrote the original Karl
Edward Wagner bibliography, Death Angel,
back in 1979. This is my update.
.220 Swift [horror]
New Terrors 1, Pan Books (
Edited by Ramsey Campbell
New Terrors, Pocket Books (
Edited by Ramsey Campbell
In a Lonely Place, Warner Books, 1983
In a Lonely Place, Scream/Press, 1984
The New Terrors Omnibus, Pan Books (
Edited by Ramsey Campbell
At First Just Ghostly [Kane]
Weird Tales, Spring/Fall 1989
Best New Horror, Robinson (
Edited by Stephen Jones and Ramsey Campbell
Best New Horror, Carroll & Graf, 1991
Edited by Stephen Jones and Ramsey Campbell
Best of Weird Tales, Barnes & Noble, 1995
Edited by John Betancourt
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Awareness of Angels, An [horror]
Ripper!, Tor Books, 1988
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Beyond Any Measure [horror]
Whispers #15-16, March 1982
In a Lonely Place, Warner Books, 1983
In a Lonely Place, Scream/Press, 1984
Whispers V, Doubleday, 1985
Edited by Stuart David Schiff
Gaslight & Ghosts, 1988 World
Fantasy Convention/Robinson (
Edited by Stephen Jones and Jo Fletcher
Whispers V, Jove, 1988
Edited by Stuart David Schiff
The Mammoth Book of Vampires, Robinson (
Edited by Stephen Jones
The Mammoth Book of Vampires, Carroll & Graf, 1992
Edited by Stephen Jones
A Taste for Blood,
Edited by Martin H. Greenberg
A Taste for Blood, Barnes & Noble, 1992
Edited by Martin H. Greenberg
The Giant Book of Vampires, Magpie (
Edited by Stephen Jones
The Giant Book of Vampires, Magpie/Parragon (
Edited by Stephen Jones
The Giant Book of Vampires, Magpie/The Book Company International (Austrailia), 1994
Edited by Stephen Jones
The Best of Whispers, Borderlands Press, 1994
Edited by Stuart David Schiff
The Vampire Hunters’ Casebook, Warner (
Edited by Peter Haining
Bloodstone [Kane]
Bloodstone, Warner Paperback Library, 1975
Bloodstone, Coronet (
Bloodstone, Baen Books, 1991
Gods in Darkness, Night Shade Books, 2002
Blue Lady, Come Back [horror]
Night Visions 2, Dark Harvest, 1985
Edited by Charles L. Grant
Night Visions: Dead Images,
Edited by Charles L. Grant
Why Not You and I?, Tor Books, 1987
Why Not You and I?, Dark Harvest, 1987
Terrors, Headline, Headline (
Edited by Charles L. Grant
Brushed Away [horror]
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
But You’ll Never Follow Me [horror]
Edited by Thomas F. Monteleone
Borderlands: An Anthology of Imaginative Fiction, Maclay, 1990
Edited by Thomas F. Monteleone
Dark Crimes, Carroll & Graf, 1991
Edited by Edward Gorman
Borderlands: An Anthology of Imaginative Fiction, White Wolf Publishing, 1990
Edited by Thomas F. Monteleone
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Cedar Lane [horror]
Walls of Fear, William Morrow & Co., 1990
Edited by Kathryn Cramer
Walls of Fear,
Edited by Kathryn Cramer
Best New Horror 2, Robinson (
Edited by Stephen Jones and Ramsey Campbell
Best New Horror 2, Stephen Jones and Ramsey Campbell, 1991
Edited by Stephen Jones and Ramsey Campbell
The Giant Book of Best New Horror,
Magpie (
Edited by Stephen Jones and Ramsey Campbell
The Giant Book of Best New Horror,
Magpie/Parragon (
Edited by Stephen Jones and Ramsey Campbell
The Giant Book of Best New Horror,
Magpie/Robinson (
Edited by Stephen Jones and Ramsey Campbell
The Giant Book of Best New Horror,
Magpie/The Book Company (
Edited by Stephen Jones and Ramsey Campbell
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Cold Light [Kane]
Death Angel’s Shadow, Warner Paperback Library, 1973
Death Angel’s Shadow, Warner Books, 1978
Death Angel’s Shadow, Coronet (UK), 1980
Robert Adam’s Book of Soldiers, Signet-NAL, 1988
Edited Robert Adams, Pamela Crippen Adams and Martin H. Greenberg
Coming of Ghor, The [James Allison’s Incarnations pastiche]
Fantasy Crossroads #10/11, March 1977
Ghor, Kin-Slayer, Necronomicon Press, 1997
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Dark Crusade [Kane]
Dark Crusade, Warner Books, 1976
Kreuzzug des Bösen, Bastei Verlag (
Dark Crusade, Coronet (
Dark Crusade, Baen Publishing, 1991
Gods in Darkness, Night Shade Books, 2002
Dark Muse, The [Kane]
Midnight Sun #2, Summer/Fall 1975
Night Winds, Warner Books, 1978
Night Winds, Coronet (
Darkness Weaves [Kane]
Darkness Weaves with Many Shades, Powell Publications, 1970
Midnight Sun #1, 1974
“Prologue” and “Those Who Dwell Within Tombs” only.
Midnight Sun #2, Summer-Fall 1975
“Imel’s Tale,” “Escape to the Ship” and “Passage to Pellin” only.
Darkness Weaves, Warner Books, 1978
Darkness Weaves with Many Shades,
Coronet (
Darkness Weaves, Roc/Penguin (
Gods in Darkness, Night Shade Books, 2002
Day of the Lion, The [Conan synopsis]
[This novel would have chronicled Conan’s rise to the kingship of Aquilonia]
Simba #2, September 1978
Deep In the Depths of the Acme Warehouse [Kane]
The King Is Dead, Dell, 1994
Edited by Paul M. Sammon
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Did They Get You To Trade? [horror]
MetaHorror, Dell, 1992
Edited by Dennis Etchison
MetaHorror, Donald M. Grant, 1992
Edited by Dennis Etchison
Best New Horror 4, Robinson (
Edited by Stephen Jones and Ramsey Campbell
Best New Horror 4, Carroll & Graf, 1993
Edited by Stephen Jones and Ramsey Campbell
The Giant Book of Terror, Magpie (
Edited by Stephen Jones and Ramsey Campbell
The Giant Book of Terror, Magpie/Parragon (
Edited by Stephen Jones and Ramsey Campbell
The Giant Book of Terror, The Book company International (
Edited by Stephen Jones and Ramsey Campbell
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Education of Gergy-Doo-Doo [juvenilia]
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Endless Night [horror]
The Architecture of Fear, Arbor House, 1987
Edited by Kathryn Cramer and Peter Pautz
Unthreatened by the Morning Light, Pulphouse Publications, 1989
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Fair Cop, A [ironic satire]
Gauntlet #2, March 1991
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Final Cut [horror]
Diagnosis: Terminal, an Anthology of Medical Horror, Tor, 1996
Edited by F. Paul Wilson
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Fourth Seal, The [horror]
Whispers #6/7, June 1975
Edited by Stuart David Schiff
Mad Scientists, Doubleday, 1980
Edited by Stuart David Schiff
In a Lonely Place, Warner Books, 1983
In a Lonely Place, Scream/Press, 1984
Gothic Touch, The [Kane]
Tales of the White Wolf, White Wolf, 1994
Edited by Edward E. Kramer and Richard Gilliam
Tales of the White Wolf, Borealis/White Wolf, 1994
Edited by Edward E. Kramer and Richard Gilliam
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Gremlin [horror]
Beyond #1, April/May 1995
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Hell Creek [Adrian Becker]
Confederacy of the Dead, Roc/Penguin, 1993
Edited by Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg and Edward E. Kramer
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
In the Lair of Yslsl [Kane]
Also incorporated as the final chapter in Dark Crusade.
Midnight Sun #1, 1974
Savage Heroes: Tales of Sorcery and Black
Magic, Star Books/W.H. Allen (
Edited by Eric Pendragon (Michael Parry)
Savage Heroes: Tales of Magical Fantasy, Taplinger, 1980
Edited by Michael Parry
In the Middle of a Snow Dream [horror]
South from
Edited by Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg and Thomas R. Hanlon
The Best New Horror, Volume Six,
Robinson (
Edited by Stephen Jones
The Best New Horror, Volume Six, Carroll & Graf, 1995
Edited by Stephen Jones
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
In the Pines [horror]
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1973
In a Lonely Place, Warner Books, 1983
In a Lonely Place, Scream/Press, 1984
The Mammoth Book of Ghost Stories,
Robinson Publishing (
Edited by Richard Dalby
The Mammoth Book of Ghost Stories, Carroll & Graf, 1990
Edited by Richard Dalby
The Phantastic Book of Ghost Stories, Barnes and Noble Books, 1996
Edited by Richard Dalby
In the Wake of the Night [Kane]
Excerpt from an unpublished novel
A Fantasy Reader: The Seventh World Fantasy Convention Book, The Seventh World Fantasy Convention, 1981
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Into Whose Hands [horror]
Whispers IV, Doubleday, 1983
Edited by Stuart David Schiff
The Year’s Best Fantasy 10, DAW, 1984
Edited by Arthur W. Saha
Why Not You and I?, Tor Books, 1987
Why Not You and I?, Dark Harvest, 1987
Whispers IV, Jove, 1988
Edited by Stuart David Schiff
Introduction to “Sign
of the Salamander”
By-lined “Kent Allard”
Why Not You and I?, Tor Books, 1987
Why Not You and I?, Dark Harvest, 1987
I’ve Come to Talk with You Again [horror]
Dark Terrors: The Gollancz Book of Horror, Victor Gollancz, 1995
Edited by Stephen Jones and David Sutton
The New
Edited by Robert M. Price
Dark Terrors, Vista/Cassell, 1996
Edited by Stephen Jones and David Sutton
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Killer [with David A. Drake]
Midnight Sun #1, 1974
Rivals of King Kong, Corgi (
Edited by Michael Parry
Killer [novel version], Baen Books, 1985
Vettius and His Friends, Baen, 1989
A David Drake Collection
Space Gladiators, Ace Books, 1989
Edited by David Drake, Charles G. Waugh and Martin H. Greenberg
Killer [novel version], Tor Books, 1990
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Kind Men Like, The [horror]
Hotter Blood, Pocket, 1991
Edited by Jeff Gelb and Michael Garrett
The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror: Fifth
Annual Collection,
Edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Lacunae [Kane]
Cutting Edge, Doubleday, 1986
Edited by Dennis Etchison
Cutting Edge,
Edited by Dennis Etchison
Why Not You and I?, Dark Harvest, 1987
Deluxe Edition only
Cutting Edge, Futura
Edited by Dennis Etchison
Cutting Edge, Macdonald (
Edited by Dennis Etchison
Splatterpunks II: Over the Edge, Tor Books, 1995
Edited by Paul M. Sammons
Last Wolf, The [science fantasy]
Midnight Sun #2, Summer/Fall 1975
Fantasy Tales #2, Winter 1977
Why Not You and I?, Tor Books, 1987
Why Not You and I?, Dark Harvest, 1987
The Best Horror from Fantasy Tales,
Robinson (
Edited by Stephen Jones and David Sutton
The Best Horror from Fantasy Tales, Carroll & Graf, 1988
Edited by Stephen Jones and David Sutton
Legion from the Shadows [Bran Mak Morn pastiche]
Legion from the Shadows, Zebra, 1976
Legion from the Shadows, Baen Publishing Enterprises, 1988
Little Lessons in Gardening [horror]
Touch Wood: Narrow Houses 2, Little
Brown, (
Edited by Peter Crowther
Touch Wood: Narrow Houses 2, Warner (
Edited by Peter Crowther
Touch Wood, Warner, 1996
Edited by Peter Crowther
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Locked Away [horror]
Dark Love, Roc/Penguin, 1995
Edited by Nancy A. Collins, Edward E. Kramer and Martin H. Kramer
Dark Love, New English Library (
Edited by Nancy A. Collins, Edward E. Kramer and Martin H. Kramer
Dark Love, NAL/Dutton, 1996
Edited by Nancy A. Collins, Edward E. Kramer and Martin H. Kramer
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Lonely Places
Originally a prologue to “In the Pines,” omitted in first publication
Midnight Sun #1, 1974
In a Lonely Place, Warner Books, 1983
In a Lonely Place, Scream/Press, 1984
The Mammoth Book of Ghost Stories,
Robinson Publishing (
Edited by Richard Dalby
The Mammoth Book of Ghost Stories, Carroll & Graf, 1990
Edited by Richard Dalby
The Phantastic Book of Ghost Stories, Barnes and Noble Books, 1996
Edited by Richard Dalby
Lost Exits [horror]
Why Not You and I?, Dark Harvest, 1987
Deluxe Edition only
Lynortis Reprise [Kane]
Midnight Sun #1, 1974
Night Winds, Warner Books, 1978
Night Winds, Coronet (
Mirage [Kane]
Death Angel’s Shadow, Warner Paperback Library, 1973
Death Angel’s Shadow, Warner Books, 1978
Der Verfluchte, Bastei Verlag (
“Mirage” bears the translated title of “Die Schattenburg”
Death Angel’s Shadow, Coronet (UK), 1980
Misericorde [Kane]
Sorcerer’s Apprentice #17, 1983
The Book of Kane, Donald M. Grant, 1985
Barbarians II, Signet/NAL, 1988
Edited by Robert Adams, Martin H. Greenberg and Pamela Crippen-Adams
More Sinned Against [horror]
In a Lonely Place, Scream/Press, 1984
Deluxe Edition only
Why Not You and I?, Tor Books, 1987
Why Not You and I?, Dark Harvest, 1987
Silver Scream, Dark Harvest, 1988
Edited by David J. Schow
Fine Frights, Tor Books, 1988
Edited by Ramsey Campbell
Silver Scream, Tor Books, 1988
Edited by David J. Schow
Neither Brute nor Human [horror]
World Fantasy Convention 1983, Weird Tales, 1983
Edited by Robert Weinberg
Masters of Darkness, Tor Books, 1986
Edited by Dennis Etchison
Why Not You and I?, Tor Books, 1987
Why Not You and I?, Dark Harvest, 1987
Unthreatened by the Morning Light, Pulphouse Publishing, 1989
The Complete Masters of Darkness, Underwood-Miller, 1990
Edited by Dennis Etchison
Old Loves [horror]
Night Visions 2, Dark Harvest, 1985
Edited by Charles L. Grant
Night Visions: Dead Images,
Edited by Charles L. Grant
Why Not You and I?, Tor Books, 1987
Why Not You and I?, Dark Harvest, 1987
Night Terrors, Headline (
Edited by Charles L. Grant
Edited Frank D. McSherry Jr., Charles G. Waugh and Martin H. Greenberg
Grails: Quests, Visitations and Other Occurances, Unnameable Press, 1992
Edited by Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg and Edward E. Kramer
Grails: Quests, Visitations of the Night, Roc/Penguin, 1992
Edited by Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg and Edward E. Kramer
The Mammoth Book of Werewolves, Robinson
Edited by Stephen Jones
The Mammoth Book of Werewolves, Carroll & Graf, 1994
Edited by Stephen Jones
The Giant Book of Werewolves, Magpie (
Edited by Stephen Jones
The Giant Book of Werewolves, Magpie/Parragon (
Edited by Stephen Jones
The Giant Book of Werewolves, The Book Company International (
Edited by Stephen Jones
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Other One, The [Kane]
Escape! #1, Fall 1977
Fantasy Tales #7, Spring 1981
The Book of Kane, Donald M. Grant, 1985
Barbarians, Signet/NAL, 1986
Edited by Robert Adams, Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
Other Woman, The [Erotic]
The Other Woman Carlyle Communications, 1973
by-lined Kent Allard
Passages [horror]
Phobias, Pocket, 1994
Edited by Wendy Webb, Richard Gilliam, Edward Kramer and Martin H. Greenberg
Best New Horror, Volume Five, Robinson (
Edited by Stephen Jones and Ramsey Campbell
Best New Horror, Volume Five, Carroll & Graf, 1994
Edited by Stephen Jones and Ramsey Campbell
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Picture of Jonathan Collins, The [horror]
Forbidden Acts,
Edited by Nancy Collins and Edward E. Kramer
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Plan 10 from Inner Space [horror]
It Came from the Drive-In, DAW, 1996
Edited by Norman Partridge and Martin H. Greenberg
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Prince of the Punks [horror]
100 Vicious Little Vampire Stories, Barnes & Noble, 1995
Edited by Robert Weinberg, Stefan Dziemianowicz and Martin H. Greenberg
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Raven’s Eyrie [Kane]
Chacal #2, Spring 1977
Night Winds, Warner Books, 1978
Night Winds, Coronet (
The Book of Kane, Donald M. Grant, 1985
Reflections for the Winter of My Soul [Kane]
Death Angel’s Shadow, Warner Paperback Library, 1973
Death Angel’s Shadow, Warner Books, 1978
Death Angel’s Shadow, Coronet (UK), 1980
The Book of Kane, Donald M. Grant, 1985
Whispers III, Doubleday, 1981
Edited by Stuart David Schiff
In a Lonely Place, Warner Books, 1983
In a Lonely Place, Scream/Press, 1984
Whispers III, Jove, 1988
Edited by Stuart David Schiff
Unthreatened by the Morning Light, Pulphouse Publishing, 1989
The Mammoth Book of Terror, Carroll & Graf, 1991
Edited by Stephen Jones
The Mammoth Book of Terror, Robinson (
Edited by Stephen Jones
To Sleep, Perchance to Dream … Nightmare, Barnes & Noble, 1993
Ed. Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg and Martin H. Greenberg
The Hastur Cycle, Chaosium, 1993
Edited by Robert M. Price
The Anthology of Horror Stories, Tiger (
by Stephen Jones
The Giant Book of Horror, The Book Company (
by Stephen Jones
The Giant Book of Horror, Parragon (
by Stephen Jones
The Giant Book of Horror, Magpie (
by Stephen Jones
Road of Kings, The [Conan pastiche]
The Road of Kings, Bantam Books, 1979
The Road of Kings, Sphere Books (
The Road of Kings, Ace Books, 1987
Satan’s Gun [Adrian Becker]
Southern Fantasy,
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Shrapnel [horror]
Night Visions 2, Dark Harvest, 1985
Edited by Charles L. Grant
Night Visions: Dead Images,
Edited by Charles L. Grant
Why Not You and I?, Tor Books, 1987
Why Not You and I?, Dark Harvest, 1987
Night Terrors, Headline (
Edited by Charles L. Grant
100 Tiny Tales of Terror, Barnes & Noble, 1996
Edited by Robert Weinberg, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz and Martin H. Greenberg
Sign of the Salamander, The [John Chance]
John Chance vs Dread: The Apocalypse #1, Summer/Fall 1975
Why Not You and I?, Tor Books, 1987
Why Not You and I?, Dark Harvest, 1987
Silted In
Why Not You and I?, Tor Books, 1987
Why Not You and I?, Dark Harvest, 1987
100 Fiendish Little Frightmares, Barnes & Noble, 1997
Edited by Stefan Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg and Martin H. Greenberg
Sing a Last Song of Valdese [Kane]
Chacal #1, Winter 1976
The Year’s Best Horror Stories V, DAW, 1977
Edited by Gerald W. Page
There was also apparently an Italian edition of this book.
Night Winds, Warner Books, 1978
Night Winds, Coronet (
Top Fantasy, Dent (
Edited by Josh Pachter
The Book of Kane, Donald M. Grant, 1985
Fantasy Stories,
Edited by Andrew Goodwyn
Slug, The [horror]
A Whisper of Blood, William Morrow, 1991
Edited by Ellen Datlow
A Whisper of Blood,
Edited by Ellen Datlow
Best New Horror 3, Carroll & Graf, 1992
Edited Stephen Jones and Ramsey Campbell
Best New Horror 3, Robinson (
Edited Stephen Jones and Ramsey Campbell
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Sticks [horror]
Whispers #3, March 1974
Night Chills,
Edited by Kirby McCauley, 1975
Whispers, Doubleday, 1977
Edited by Stuart David Schiff
Edited by Gahan Wilson
Whispers, Jove Publications, 1979
Edited by Stuart David Schiff
Arbor House Treasury of Horror and the Supernatural, Arbor House 1981
Edited by Bill Pronzini, Barry Malzberg and Martin H. Greenberg
In a Lonely Place, Warner Books, 1983
In a Lonely Place, Scream/Press, 1984
Great Tales of Horror and the Supernatural, Galahad Books, 1985
Edited by Bill Pronzini, Barry Malzberg and Martin H. Greenberg
The Dark Descent, Tor Books, 1987
Edited by David G. Hartwell
Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, Arkham House, 1990
Edited by August Derleth and James Turner
The Dark Descent: The Color of Evil,
Grafton Books (
Edited by David G. Hartwell
Cults of Horror, DAW Books, 1990
Edited by Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh
The Dark Descent 1: The Color of Evil, Tor Books, 1991
Edited by David G. Hartwell
Classic Tales of Horror and the Supernatural, Quill/William Morrow and Company, 1991
Edited by Bill Pronzini, Barry Malzberg and Martin H. Greenberg
The Giant Book of Horror Stories, Magpie
Books (
Edited by Bill Pronzini, Barry Malzberg and Martin H. Greenberg
The Mammoth Book of Zombies, Robinson
Publishing (
Edited by Stephen Jones
The Mammoth Book of Zombies, Carroll and Graf, 1993
Edited by Stephen Jones
The Best of Whispers, Borderlands Press/Whispers Press, 1994
Edited by Stuart David Schiff
The Giant Book of Zombies, Magpie Books
Edited by Stephen Jones
The Giant Book of Zombies, Magpie Books/The Book Company International (
Edited by Stephen Jones
A Century of Horror 1970-1979, MJF Books, 1996
Edited by David Drake
The Dark Descent, Tor Books, 1997
Edited by David G. Hartwell
The Centralite,
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Treasure of Lynortis, The [Kane – Juvenilia]
Kadath (Italian) #6/7, Fall 1984
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Two Suns Setting [Kane]
Fantastic Stories, May 1976
The Year’s Best Fantasy Stories: 3, DAW, 1977
Edited by Lin Carter (Donald A. Wollheim)
Night Winds, Warner Books, 1978
Night Winds, Coronet (
The World Fantasy Awards: Volume Two, Double Day, 1980
Edited by Stuart David Schiff
Undertow [Kane]
Whispers #10, August 1977
Night Winds, Warner Books, 1978
Night Winds, Coronet (
The Year’s Best Horror Stories VI, DAW, 1978
Edited by Gerald W. Page
Whispers II, Doubleday, 1979
Edited by Stuart David Schiff
Whispers II, Jove, 1979
Edited by Stuart David Schiff
The Mammoth Book of Frankenstein,
Robinson (
Edited by Stephen Jones
The Mammoth Book of Frankenstein, Carroll & Graf, 1994
Edited by Stephen Jones
The Giant Book of Frankenstein, Magpie (
Edited by Stephen Jones
The Giant Book of Frankenstein,
Magpie/The Book company International (
Edited by Stephen Jones
Unhand That Fair
Fiend, You Foul Damsel [written for a postcard auction at B.Y.O.B.-Con 9,
Walk on the Wild Side [horror]
The Ultimate Witch, Dell, 1993
Edited by Byron Preiss and John Betancourt
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Where the Summer Ends [horror]
Dark Forces, Viking Press, 1980
Edited by Kirby McCauley
Dark Forces, Macdonald (
Edited by Kirby McCauley
Dark Forces, Macdonald (
Edited by Kirby McCauley
Dark Forces, Bantam, 1981
Edited by Kirby McCauley
In a Lonely Place, Warner Books, 1983
In a Lonely Place, Scream/Press, 1984
Nightmares in
Edited by Frank McSherry, Charles Waugh and Martin H. Greenberg
Dark Forces, Signet, 1989
Edited by Kirby McCauley
Where the Summer Ends, Pulphouse Publishing, 1991
Conan III [movie script]
Horror from the Mound, The [teleplay]
adaptation of Robert E. Howard story for Tales from the Darkside.
Extracted from the story, “Reflections for the Winter of My Soul”
Death Angel’s Shadow, Warner Paperback Library, 1973
Death Angel’s Shadow, Warner Books, 1978
Death Angel’s Shadow, Coronet (UK), 1980
Songs of the Damned, The Silver Eel Press, 1981
The Book of Kane, Donald M. Grant, 1985
Death’s Angel’s Shadow
Poem only, not the collection
Midnight Sun #1, 1974
Sorcerer’s Apprentice #3, Summer 1979
Songs of the Damned, The Silver Eel Press, 1981
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Gods in Darkness
Extracted from the novel, Darkness Weaves
Darkness Weaves with Many Shades, Powell Publications, 1970
Darkness Weaves, Warner Books, 1978
Darkness Weaves with Many Shades,
Coronet (
Songs of the Damned, The Silver Eel Press, 1981
Darkness Weaves, Roc/Penguin (
Gods in Darkness, Night Shade Books, 2002
Midnight Sun
Midnight Sun #1, 1974
Sorcerer’s Apprentice #1, Winter 1978
Songs of the Damned, The Silver Eel Press, 1981
Exorcisms and Ecstasies, Fedogan & Bremer, 1997
Mourning of the
Following Day
Extracted from the novel, Dark Crusade.
Dark Crusade, Warner Books, Warner Books, 1976
Fantasy Tales #4, Spring 1979
Songs of the Damned, The Silver Eel Press, 1981
Dark Crusade, Coronet (
Dark Crusade, Baen Publishing, 1991
Gods in Darkness, Night Shade Books, 2002
Naichoryss’ Song
Extracted from the story, “Mirage”
Death Angel’s Shadow, Warner Paperback Library, 1973
Death Angel’s Shadow, Warner Books, 1978
Death Angel’s Shadow, Coronet (UK), 1980
Songs of the Damned, The Silver Eel Press, 1981
Night Winds
Extracted from the story, “The Dark Muse”
Midnight Sun #2, Summer/Fall 1975
Night Winds, Warner Books, 1978
Night Winds, Coronet (
Songs of the Damned, The Silver Eel Press, 1981
Reflections for the Winter of My Soul
Extracted from the story, “Reflections for the Winter of My Soul”
Death Angel’s Shadow, Warner Paperback Library, 1973
Death Angel’s Shadow, Warner Books, 1978
Death Angel’s Shadow, Coronet (UK), 1980
Songs of the Damned, The Silver Eel Press, 1981
The Book of Kane, Donald M. Grant, 1985
The Song of Valdese
Extracted from the story, “Sing a Last Song of Valdese”
Chacal #1, Winter 1976
The Year’s Best Horror Stories V, DAW, 1977
Edited by Gerald W. Page
Night Winds, Warner Books, 1978
Night Winds, Coronet (
Songs of the Damned, The Silver Eel Press, 1981
Top Fantasy, Dent (
Edited by Josh Pachter
The Book of Kane, Donald M. Grant, 1985
Fantasy Stories,
Edited by Andrew Goodwyn
Non-Fiction (still being updated
as I go)
Dr. Wagner also had Want Lists run in ERBdom #75, Xenophile #36, Xenophile
#39 and Cross Plains #4, July/August
1974. Carcosa flyers appeared in innumerable places – Wagner also wrote the DJ
notes for Carcosa titles.
Address to the Lankhmar Literary Guild
The Silver Eel #1, 1978
Appearing Soon at a Newstand Near You
Part of the “On Fantasy” series
Fantasy Newsletter #34, March 1981
(“‘Beyond the
For the original of this piece, please see the first paperback printing; subsequent printings were reportedly diluted at the insistence of Conan Properties. Inc.
Red Nails,
Afterword (“For those who keep track of such …”)
Legion from the Shadows, Zebra, 1976
Legion from the Shadows, Baen Publishing Enterprises, 1988
Afterword (“Some readers may note certain …”)
This is in regard to the story “Sticks.”
Whispers #3, March 1974
Edited by Gahan Wilson
Whispers, Doubleday, 1977
Edited by Stuart David Schiff
Whispers, HBJ/Jove, 1979
Edited by Stuart David Schiff
Afterword (“’The Devil in Iron’ appeared in …”)
For the original of this piece, please see the first paperback printing; subsequent printings were reportedly diluted at the insistence of Conan Properties. Inc.
The People of the
Afterword (“The Hour of the Dragon was the only …”)
For the original of this piece, please see the first paperback printing; subsequent printings were reportedly diluted at the insistence of Conan Properties. Inc.
The Hour of the Dragon,
The Hour of the Dragon, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1977
Breaking In
Part of the “On Fantasy” series
Fantasy Newsletter #26, July 1980
Vertigo #16, 1973
Carcosa: the Aristocrat of Fantasy Publishers
The Unicorn #2, June 1979
Fantasy Mongers #2, 1979
Darkness Weaver: An
Interview with Karl Edward Wagner, The
Conducted by Ashley & Kessler
Fantasy con V Programme Booklet, British Fantasy Society (UK), 1979
Drugs and Writing
Black onto White #6, 1972
Fantasy Rules OK in
Part of the “On Fantasy” series
Fantasy Newsletter #28, September 1980
Unreconstructed Rebel
Part of the “On Fantasy” series
Fantasy Newsletter #20, January 1980
Fifty Rarest and Most
Uniquest Pulps in the Whole Wide World, The
Xenophile #24, July 1976
Xenophile #19, February 1976
Foreword (“A few modern critics have chosen to …”)
For the original of this piece, please see the first paperback printing; subsequent printings were reportedly diluted at the insistence of Conan Properties. Inc.
Red Nails,
Foreword (“In the decade during which he …”)
For the original of this piece, please see the first paperback printing; subsequent printings were reportedly diluted at the insistence of Conan Properties. Inc.
The Hour of the Dragon,
The Hour of the Dragon, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1977
Foreword (“The genre of epic fantasy is as old …”)
For the original of this piece, please see the first paperback printing; subsequent printings were reportedly diluted at the insistence of Conan Properties. Inc.
The People of the
Harvesting Horror
Part of the “On Fantasy” series
Fantasy Newsletter #30, November 1980
How Billy the Kid Met
Jack the Ripper
Part of the “On Fantasy” series
Fantasy Newsletter #24, May 1980
How Do We Get Here
from There?
Part of the “On Fantasy” series
Fantasy Newsletter #22, March 1980
Interview: Karl
Edward Wagner
Conducted by Bennett and Mullins
Night Views #1, 1977
Interview: Manly Wade
Conducted by Karl Edward Wagner
Chacal #2, Spring 1977
Introduction: In the
Lair of Yslsl
Dark Phantasms #1, Summer 1976
Karl Edward Wagner:
Conducted by Amos
Nightshade #1, 1975
Manly Wade Wellman
Vertigo #16, 1973
Nightshade #3,
Revised and expanded – as “The Biography.”
Manly Wade Wellman Index (with assistance from Edwin L. Murray)
Vertigo #16, 1973
Xenophile #7, October 1974
Revised, as “A Bibliography of Manly Wade Wellman”
Nightshade #3,
Further revised, as “The Bibliography”
New Views of
Part of the “On Fantasy” series
Fantasy Newsletter #36, May 1981
Once and Future Kane,
R.E.H.: Lone Star Fictioneer #1, Spring 1975
Shayol #1 [abridged], November 1977
The Midnight Sun [abridged], Night Shade Books, 2003
Out and About in
October Country
Part of the “On Fantasy” series
Fantasy Newsletter #32, January 1981
Raising Kane:
Interview with Karl Edward Wagner
Conducted by Gerald Brown
Night Voyages #6, Summer 1980
Reality: Assassin of
Part of the “On Fantasy” series
Fantasy Newsletter #48, June 1981
Selected Checklist of
David Drake, A
See “Some Informal Notes on David Drake”
Some Biographical
Notes on E. Hoffmann Price
Vertigo #26, 1975
Some Informal Notes
on David Drake
Includes “A Selected Checklist of David Drake”
Vertigo #28, 1976
Sympathy for the
Fantasycon V Programme
Booklet, The British Fantasy Society (
Tips on Tales: Tarzan
of Outer Space
ERBdom #61, August 1072
Untitled (“As to the failure of the sex and sadism …”)
The Shudder Pulps: A History of the Weird Menace Magazines of the 1930s, by Robert Kenneth Jones, FAX Collectors Editions, 1975
The Shudder Pulps: A History of the Weird Menace Magazines of the 1930s, by Robert Kenneth Jones, Plume Books (NAL), 1978
Untitled (“Kane is my interpretation of the Biblical …”)
Part of “Editor’s Note”
Midnight Sun #1, 1974
Untitled (“This is an open letter to all our …”)
Xenophile #39, June 1978
Weird Tales Lives
Who Fears the Devil?
Vertigo #15, 1972
Xenophile #11, July 1975
Works in Progress
Fantasy Newsletter #10/11, March/April 1979
Published Correspondence
Hyborian Cult, The
Cross Plains #4, July/August 1974
One Letter
One More Barbarian #9, May 1979
Excerpt, as “State of the Art”
One More Barbarian #11, September 1979
As part of Death Angel: A Bibliography of Karl Edward Wagner
Some Swackles: On Far Lands Other Days by E. Hoffmann Price
Amra V2#64, October 1975
Two Letters
Empire of Ij #13, March 1978
Fantastic Monsters (or some other mid-‘60s monster magazine)
Sorcerer’s Apprentice #3, Summer 1979
Untitled (“Glad you like ‘The Last Wolf.’ …”)
Fantasy Tales #7, Winter 1977
As part of “The Cauldron.”
Untitled (“I got into this game too late for …”)
Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, August 1973
Untitled (“I’ve
just finished reading the first issue of …”)
Fantastic, November 1965
Untitled (“Thanks for Baryon 7 and the fine plug …”)
Part of “Letters from all Parts”
Baryon #8, 1977
Untitled (“The Road of Kings is now in the typesetting …”)
Part of “Letters on Baryon 14”
Baryon #15, April 1979
Untitled (“What is this miracle that has come to pass? …”
Spaceway Science Fiction, June 1970
Part of “Rating Spaceway”
About the Author
Allen, Paul
Of Swords & Sorcery
Fantasy Crossroads #9, August 1976
OS&S Update
Fantasy Crossroads #10/11, March 1977
OS&S Update
Fantasy Crossroads #12, November 1977
OS&S Update
Fantasy Crossroads #13, June 1978
Works in Progress
Fantasy Newsletter #10/11, March/April 1979
Amos, Ken
Kane as the Byronic Hero
Karl Edward Wagner Bibliography, A
Nightshade #1, 1975
Legion from the Shadows [book review]
Nightshade #3,
Ashley, Mike
Who’s Who in Horror and Fantasy Fiction, Elm Tree Books (UK), 1977 (p. 177)
Who’s Who in Horror and Fantasy Fiction, Taplinger (UK), 1978 (p. 177)
Ashley, Mike, and Ken Kessley
Untitled Bibliography
Fantasycon V Programme
Booklet, British Fantasy Society (
Carter, Lin
A Local Habitation and a Name: Some
Observations on Neocognomia
Imaginary Worlds, Ballantine, 1973 (p. 206)
Those Who Oppose Chaos
Dark Horizons #11-13
Dark Horizons Index, February 1977
De Camp, L. Sprague
Legion from the Shadows [book review]
Amra V2#67, February 1977
Egan, Thomas M.
Dark Crusade [book review]
Delaps F&SF Review, April 1977
Hall, Loay Howard
Death Angel’s Shadow
Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Review – ???
Hooks, Wayne
Night Winds
Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Review
#5, June 1979
Mayer, John F.
Karl Edward Wagner – The Man and His Writings by John F. Mayer
Nightshade #1, 1975
Trout, Steve
Kane: A Brief Essay with Chronology by Steve Trout
Sorcerer’s Apprentice #3, Summer 1979
Wellman, Manly Wade
Karl Wagner’s Apostle of Blood by Manly Wade Wellman
Sun #1, 1974