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Wild Water

And Other Mainstream Writing


This is my own definition. Call it what you will


Wild Water (The Vultures of Whapeton, Berkley)

A Dream (The “New” Howard Reader #2, August 1998)

Ambition in the Moonlight (The “New” Howard Reader #1, June 1998)

Midnight (Non-Commercial Writings, forthcoming)

Sunday in a Small Town (The “New” Howard Reader #7, Spring 2000)

Musings of a Moron (The “New” Howard Reader #6, Autumn 1999)

Man (unpublished) Sort of a reader’s theatre piece … really nice!

The Loser (Pay Day, Cryptic Publications)

A Touch of Color (Pay Day, Cryptic Publications)

The Nut’s Shell (Pay Day, Cryptic Publications)

Pay Day (Pay Day, Cryptic Publications)

Nerve (Pay Day, Cryptic Publications)

The Block (Pay Day, Cryptic Publications)

The Sophisticate (Pay Day, Cryptic Publications )

Le Gentil Homme le Diable (The “New” Howard Reader #6, Autumn 1999)

Diogenes of Today (Red Blades of Black Cathay, Donald M. Grant)