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Historical Adventure


It’s hard to believe that anything could have been left out of The Lord of Samarcand, but at least one possible story was. Plus Lord of Samarcand wasn’t ever Howard’s title for that story. He wanted to call it The Lame Man.



Historical Adventure, Vol. 1


Cormac FitzGeoffrey . . .

Hawks of Outremer (Lord of Samarcand, Bison Books & Gates of Empire, Wildside Press)

The Blood of Belshazzar (Lord of Samarcand, Bison Books & Gates of Empire, Wildside Press)


Other Historical Adventures . . .

Red Blades of Black Cathay (Lord of Samarcand, Bison Books & Gates of Empire, Wildside Press)

The Sowers of the Thunder (Lord of Samarcand, Bison Books & Gates of Empire, Wildside Press)

The Lame Man (Lord of Samarcand) (Lord of Samarcand, Bison Books & Gates of Empire, Wildside Press)

Lion of Tiberias (Lord of Samarcand, Bison Books & Gates of Empire, Wildside Press)


Miscellanea . . .

The Slave-Princess [synopsis] (Lord of Samarcand, Bison Books)

The Slave-Princess [fragment] (Lord of Samarcand, Bison Books)

Two Against Tyre (Lord of Samarcand, Bison Books)



Historical Adventure, Vol. 2


The Shadow of the Vulture (Lord of Samarcand, Bison Books & Gates of Empire, Wildside Press)

Gates of Empire (Lord of Samarcand, Bison Books & Gates of Empire, Wildside Press)

The Road of Eagles (The Way of the Swords) (Lord of Samarcand, Bison Books)

Hawks over Egypt (Lord of Samarcand, Bison Books)

The Road of Azrael (Lord of Samarcand, Bison Books)


Miscellanea . . .

The Track of Bohemund (Lord of Samarcand, Bison Books)

The King’s Service (The Sword Woman, Berkley)

Where Are Your Knights, Donn Othna? [poem] (Collected Poems, forthcoming)

Untitled (“He knew knew de Bracy, they  ”) (Lord of Samarcand, Bison Books)

Untitled (“The wind from the Mediterranean wafted a thousand …) (Lord of Samarcand, Bison Books & Non-Commercial Writings, forthcoming)

Recap of Harold Lamb’s The Wolf Chaser (Lord of Samarcand, Bison Books)

Untitled (“The Persians had all fled …) (Lord of Samarcand, Bison Books)

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