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Tangela's Hole in the 'Net, some how... it all works out... Ah, as few of you might notice, I've updated my webpage. So it's only SLIGHTLY disinteresting. ~,_~ (wink).

A few dates:

My son Joshua Bryce was born December 23rd.

I've finally turned 21 as of January 9th.

Jason asked me to marry him Febuary 3rd.

Yup, I'm a legal, engaged mom.

This page is dedicated to all the Netcaholics like me who have entirly too much time on thier hands, or those bored house fiancees who don't want to have any affairs... online or off.

It's also dedicated to those glowing indiviuals who lived too close to the nuclear power plants of America, *sniffle*, I love you's atomic guys.

Well, make yourself a cup of tea and wander around for a while... just leave the tiolet seat down please... OH and don't feed Raynedoor... he's around here somewhere...frickin' chicken.

************************************************************************************************************** 01/22/01 Wow, it's been almost a year since I've updated this page! Sorry babes! The radioactive world don't wait for nobody! I had a girl this november, she was a whopping 9 lbs 12.8 oz. She's beautiful (loud), got the softest prettiest skin (loud), and her smile is like God opening a window... did I happen to mention that she screams like a banshee dipped in napalm? Her name is Breanna Marie... Her older Brother has lost his utter and complete mind... he's turned a year! he acts like he SIMPLY MUST climb up on and do flips off of every piece of furniture from here toTex-arcana. I finally got a job, first one in a year! woohoo! although being a house fiancee had its perks, like sleeping in and watching "Who's Line Is It Anyway", I missed the regularity of getting pay checks. A few things '00 taught me....New outlook on men and life... they both suck, although life offers a new view every 24 hours... I learned that Houston Metro Bus Drivers are afraid to go faster than 14.3 mph, for fear that the G-forces might rip the skin off thier faces... AND I learned that "no matter where you go in life, you've only just begun" SOOOO, lets stop witht he year in review shall we? Come, wander the atomic acloves... just pick up your trash... yo' mama don't live here! **************************************************************************************************************I need to get back here more often, really! today is 12/14/01 Bryce is about to turn 2 and Breanna just turned one. Yah! I am no longer engaged that's a whole long story in itself. This year has taught me that you can judge a book by it's cover, love isn't always the answer, that you can skin a cat more ways than one and that power isn't always the key... oh yeah i also learned that HOUSTON IS POLLUTED. how's that for a news flash? I'll be 23 this year... yay! and as we l know nobody likes you when you're 23. ************************************************************************************************************** 1/13/03 Ok, this is becoming a yearly thing. (lol) but now I know more about HTML and stuff, so I can do more. I'm 24 now. Been married (Texas style), divorced, had two kids and NOW i am ready to and i'm less than 1/40 of a millina old! I now live in Georgia, ain't I lucky? It's really beautiful, especially when it rains. Some times, i can't breath when it rains. I just stare in the distance, over the trees. There are rocks here so HUGE they look fake. ~lol~ ok i am done waxing maudlin... ************************************************************************************************************** 2/26/02 GEORGIA HATES ME! I have figured it hates me! I must owe it money!

Alright, so I have gotten it into my head to actually work on this freaking site some and clean it up!! NAUGHTY MESSY SITE!! I have been paying attention to a few of the things that I have learned here and there, SOOO be prepared to be AMAZED!! Or to fall over laughing...whichever...

Stuff I wanna Add Someday to this scrumptious website.

Web pages it'd behoove you to peer upon once or twice.

J9's Sexy Booty Web Page
Justin's own personal work in progress.
Here's my aunt's webpage! It's about Warm Spirit, the most AWESOME stuff!
Here are people who scare me.... sometimes....
Come one, come all, it's the lyrics page!
Page Three Ya'll, third times a charm and all that...
