It'S sUpErMoNiCa's WeBpAgE!

NiFtY SiTeS!!!

This is the coolest link...uhhh...check it out.. its the best webpage ever built, i heard by an amazing girl who is the best and is cool and does a buncha things uhh that are cool.. so check it out..

This a very trippy site go to it!!! It kinda scares me ....but its still one of my favs...
The funniest site besides the first keeps me laughin for hours at a time...isnt that silly?.... Go to the portal!

This is where u can find out where i got shpadoinkle from...

Andrews site! Read the penguin likie...
Andrew's Site!

Uhhh this is just one for when im super bored..
Im on this site for really!

Ok Conan is my hero!!.....
I love Conan!

And Yet another shpadoinkle site!!!
April's Site!

Another spankalicious site!
My good buddy Phillip's Site..

Me buddy Isaacs page...he knows what he is doin so it wont be a buncha copy paste stuff like my page heh heh....

Isaac's siteish site....

Ekk this is the scariest site on earth! and such and so on...

It's a HOOT!!

E-MaiL MoNiCa!!!!