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"The Morning Spectre"

Have you ever had something happen to you, that you just had to share? Well, this is a true story about what happened one morning while my daughter and I were waiting at the bus stop.

We live out of town a ways, which means my daughter rides the bus to school. It picks her up at about 6:30 in the morning, out on the county highway. It is still dark at this time, so I usually take her in the truck.

It was about 6:15 when we backed into a driveway across the road from our ranch. It was cloudy, so there were no stars or the moon to be seen. There is a house that sits at the corner of the highway and the road that leads to our gate. They have a spot light that shines over their driveway and into our front field. This is the only light visible for quite a ways.

Like I said earlier, I had backed into a driveway across the highway from our place. I turned off the truck, and the only light inside the truck was from the radio I had turned on. My daughter and I usually use this time to discuss what is going on with her and her friends, and what's happening at school that day.

I had turned to my left and looked up the highway, towards where the bus would be coming from, and just kind of scanned everything as I turned to my right. Now there is a young mesguite tree growing right next to the fence line that borders the road going to our gate. It's about 12 feet tall, and light from the house was illuminating it just enough that I could make it out. At about the time I first saw the tree, a great feeling of dread came over me. I mean to the point that my hands locked on the steering wheel and I was holding my breath. Then I noticed this huge black object moving away from directly next to the tree to my right. This thing was almost as tall as the tree and it was so black that it made everything around it look well lit. It had no distinguishable shape to it. It looked like it was standing upright, by this I mean that it appeared kind of like someone who had taken a black sheet and draped it over themselves. There were no features to be seen, and the movement was more like a glide than a walk. But the strange thing about it was that there was no sort of reflection off of it from the spot light. It was like watching this gaping black hole move across the pasture.

Now, of course I've been asked, "Why didn't you turn your headlights on?". You have to understand, I'm sitting there frozen, my first inclination is to start the truck and go home. But, this little voice inside me is telling me not to do anything that will atract it's attention to me. Then it disappeared, and the dread subsided somewhat. I turned to my daughter to see if she had seen anything, but she was facing me and about that time she started telling me that she wished the bus would hurry up and get there. Boy, did I ever agree. I turned to look at the field again, and here comes the dread, even worse than before. I saw it, still moving in the same direction, for about 3 or 4 seconds and then it was gone. The dread and fear I had been feeling left also.

By this time my daughter had repeated, 5 or 6 times, that she wished the bus would get here. I glanced out my side window to see if there was any sign of it, and turned to reassure her that it would be there shortly. I happened to look into the mirror on her side of the truck, and yes here came the dread again. The only way I can describe what I saw, was like there were strands or fingers of black mist moving at the back of the truck by the taillights.

Now, as you can quess, by this time my hands were on the keys ready to start the truck and leave. I glanced at the mirror on my side, and about the time I realized that there was nothing there, a shape kind of like a bird flew across my vision. Once I saw the "Bird", everything was fine. No more dread or fear, or anything; just relief that it was finally over. Of course the bus was now coming into view, thankfully.

I have been asked if I had been playing with anything or having a seance shortly before hand and the answer is a definite NO. This completely took me by suprise. We have lived here for about 2 years now, and nothing even remotely similar has ever occured. All I know, is that I sure hope it doesn't happen again.

Thanks for taking the time to read my story.

A word from "G.H.I.";

The story you just read, took place in our area of operation just recently, and is currently under investigation by "G.H.I.". The interesting thing about this "incedent", is that it happened not 400 yards from a cemetary that is nearly 200 years old and is well known to be a center for paranormal activity. If you have anything you wish to share with the author, send your comments via "G.H.I." and we will forward them. Look for our findings on this subject coming soon to the field reports page.

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