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 Ke-Tsung Han's Vita

August 2000

Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
        Ph.D. in Urban and Regional Science, December, 2000.  GPA:  4.0/4.0.
        Dissertation:  A Critical Examination of Scenic Beauty, Preference, and Restorativeness
            with Respect to Six Major Terrestrial Biomes
University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, CO
        Master of Architecture in Urban Design, May, 1996.
        Graduated first in class.  GAP:  4.0/4.0.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL
        Master of Landscape Architecture, May, 1994.
        Graduated in good academic standing.  GPA:  4.6/5.0.
        Thesis:  Feng Shui and Landscape
Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan
        Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture, June, 1988.
        Graduated second in class and obtained a total of 13 academic certificates and
            7 scholarships during the 4 years of study.  GPA:  3.6/4.0.

First Place, Student Research Grant, 2000, Environmental Design Research Association.

Fellow, Graduate Teaching Academy, Center for Teaching Excellence, Texas A&M

Ph.D. Research Award, 1999-2000, Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban
        Planning, Texas A&M University.

Ph.D. Scholar Award, 1999-2000, Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban
        Planning, Texas A&M University.

First Place, Poster Competition in Social Science, Student Research Week 2000,
        Texas A&M University.

Research Grant, 2000, College Research Council, College of Architecture, Texas A&M

The Chinese Christian Herald Crusade Scholarship Award, 2000, The Chinese Christian
        Herald Crusade.

The Seo Academic Excellence Award, 2000, International Student Services, Texas A&M

The Research Enhancement Funds, 1999-2000, College of Architecture, Texas A&M

The Jane Demaree Scholarship, 1999-2000, The Pittsburgh Civic Garden Center

Traveling Grant, 1999, Texas Engineering Experiment Station, Texas A&M University.

Traveling Grant, 1999, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University.

Study Grant, 1999, Environmental Design Research Association.

Shibata International Memorial Scholarship, 1999, International Student Services, Texas A&M

Member, The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi.

Traveling Grant, 1998, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University.

Traveling Grant, 1998, Texas Engineering Experiment Station, Texas A&M University.

The International Education Study Grant, 1998, International Student Services, Texas A&M

The William W. Caudill Research Fellowship Award, 1998-1999, College of Architecture,
        Texas A&M University.

Traveling Grant, 1997, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University.

The Outstanding Student Award, 1996, University of Colorado at Denver.

Graduate Scholarship, 1995-1996, College of Architecture and Planning, University of
        Colorado at Denver.

Research Assistant, 1998.
Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Texas A&M University.
        Conducted literature searches and reviews; performed surveys, data collection,
        organization, and analyses; and wrote proposals, manuscripts, and reports.

Teaching Assistant, 1997.
Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Texas A&M University.
        Assisted with the first year's design studio of the master's program of Landscape

Guest Instructor, 1996.
Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Texas A&M University.
        Lectured in LAND 645:  Practice Diversity in Landscape Architecture.

Research Assistant, 1991-1992.
Chinese Landscape Architects Society in Taiwan, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
        Conducted information collection, organization, and analyses; performed site inventories
        and assessments; designed gardens and parks; developed campus and national park
        plans; conducted renderings; and wrote environmental planning reports.
Main case:  The Campus Development Project at National Taiwan Cheng Chi University.

Teaching Assistant, 1990-1991.
Department of Landscape Architecture, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan.
        Taught courses in Environmental Survey and Analysis Laboratory; Ecological Practice;
        Slope and Topography in Environment Practice; Site Planning Practice; and performed
        administrative duties.


Editorial Planner, 1996-Present.
Lamper Enterprises Co., Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan.
        Make plans for publishing books; contact American publishers; and arrange translators.
Main case:  The Book Series of Urban Environmental Planning and Design.

Intern in Urban Design and Landscape Architecture, 1995-1996.
Westbrook Development Company, Inc., Denver, CO.
        Performed site inventories and assessments; developed schemes and master plans;
        conducted renderings; and created presentations.

Intern in Rural Development and Landscape Architecture, 1995.
Colorado Center for Community Development, University of Colorado at Denver.
        Conducted information collection and analyses; performed site inventories and
        assessments; developed master plans; conducted renderings; and performed
Main case:  Pete Gones Memorial Park and Weber Field, Gilpin Country, CO.

Landscape Architect, 1992.
Eden Engineering Consultant Company, Taipei, Taiwan.
        Conducted information collection and analyses; performed site inventories and
        assessment; and wrote proposals and environmental planning reports.
Main case:  The Master Plan of Marinas Planning and Design in Taiwan.

Landscape Architect, 1988.
Fu Tung Engineering Consultant Company, Taipei, Taiwan.
        Conducted information collection and analyses; performed site inventories and
        assessment; conducted renderings; manufactured models; and performed presentations.
Main case:  Wu Shan Tou Scenic Area Short-Term Development Project in Southern Taiwan.

Intern in Landscape Architecture, 1986.
Union Engineering Consultant Company, Taipei, Taiwan.
        Conducted information collection, organization, and analyses; performed site inventories
        and assessments; conducted renderings; wrote drafts; and supervised workers at site.

 Han, K.-T. (2000). Traditional Chinese site selection--Feng Shui:  an evolutionary/ecological
        perspective. Journal of Cultural Geography, accepted.

Han, K.-T. (1999a). A proposed landscape assessment framework:  a connection of theories and
        practical techniques. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 16(4), 313-327.

Han, K.-T. (1999b). An integrated landscape assessment model:  a combination of the psychophysical
        and the psychological methods. 1999 American Society of Landscape Architects Annual
        Meeting Proceedings, 368-371.

Han, K.-T. (1999c). Empirical testing of good Feng Shui in terms of preferences. Proceedings of the
         30th Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association, 267.

Han, K.-T. (1998a). A proposed framework of sustainable landscape management. Council of
         Educators in Landscape Architecture 1998 Conference Proceedings, 109.

Huang, C.-S., Lee, C., & Han, K.-T. (1998b). How well do we teach research methods? a survey of
        research methodology courses of MLA program in U.S.A. Council of Educators in
        Landscape Architecture 1998 Conference Proceedings, 87.

Han, K.-T. (1998c). A case study of Feng Shui in Taiwan. 1998 American Society of Landscape
        Architects Annual Meeting Proceedings, 133-137.

Han, K.-T. (1997). An overview of taxonomies of landscape assessment models. Council of Educators
        in Landscape Architecture 1997 Conference Proceedings, 104.

Han, K.-T. & Sinha, A. (1996). An empirical study of Feng Shui in landscape. Environments:  A
        Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 23(3), 36-49.

Han, K.-T. (1995). Feng Shui:  harmonizing your Yin and Yang. New Planner, winter, 2+.

Han, K.-T. (1994). Feng Shui and Landscape. MI: UMI.

 Han, K.-T. (1999). Leisure activities in the Tang Dynasty. The Journal of the Chinese Landscape
        Architects Society in Taiwan, 28, 25-32.

Han, K.-T. (1998). Urban Forestry:  Theories and Applications. Taipei: Lamper Enterprises Co.,

Han, K.-T. (1995). Theories of Feng Shui Landscapes. Taipei: Lamper Enterprises Co., Ltd.

Han, K.-T. (1994a). Environmental planning in ancient China:  Feng Shui. The Journal of the
        Chinese Landscape Architects Society in Taiwan, 16, 105-109.

Han, K.-T., Chen, C.-L., & Chaiputhi, S. (1994b). Public space of campus.  The Journal of the
        Chinese Landscape Architects Society in Taiwan, 15, 102-104.

Han, K.-T. & Lin, Y.-C. (1988). Fu Lung area recreational development project in the Northeastern
        Cost Special Scenic District. Yeh Yuan (Management of Gardens), 4, 36.


Han, K.-T. (1996). Traditional Chinese Feng Shui community and courtyard house. 1996 American
        Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting and Exposition.


Computer Aided Design/Draft:  Auto CAD, Land CADD.

Geographic Information Systems:  IDRISI, Atlas GIS, Arch Info.

Image Processing:  Photo Shop, Power Point, Page Composer.

Word Processing:  Microsoft Word, Word Perfect.

Statistics Processing:  SPSS for Windows, Win SAS.


Landscape (Scenic Beauty) perception and assessment.
        Have read and collected more than 494 books and articles in this field.

Feng Shui (Chinese Geomancy).
        Have read and collected more than 49 books and articles on this topic.

Urban Forestry.
        Have read and collected more than 160 articles on this topic.

Restorative (Healing) environments.
        Have read and collected more than 94 books and articles on this topic.


Member, Environmental Design Research Association, 1999-2001.

Officer, Ph.D. Student Association, Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, Texas
        A&M University, 1998-1999.

Assistant Director of Marketing, Asian Cultures Education Committee, Memorial Student Center,
        Texas A&M University, 1998-1999.

President, International Student Association, College of Architecture and Planning, University of
        Colorado at Denver, 1995-1996.

Acting Vice-President, Chinese Student Association, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1993.

Treasure, Graduation Exposition Committee, Department of Landscape Architecture, Chinese Culture
        University, 1987-1988.

Service Monitor, Landscape Architecture Student Association, Chinese Culture University, 1984-1986.