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Survey Says?

Why You Should Take This Survey

These are a bunch of totally pointless questions, but fill it out anyways! Please?

What is your name?

Where are you from?

E-mail address?

How old are you?

What time do you go to sleep?

What time is it?

So, are you supposed to be asleep?

Why are you taking this survey?
On a scale from 1-10(10 being the boredest), how bored are you?

Do you have a boy/girlfriend or a crush?

If yes, who are they?
What is your favorite movie?

What's your favorite color?

Does the idea of performing in front of a big group of people by singing or acting or something like that scare you really bad??

Do you think you are pretty, cute, hot, ugly, or what? Honestly!

Whats your favorite book?

One word to describe you.
One word to desrcribe the way you feel about this survey.

Who is the last person you spoke to on the telephone(even if it wasnt for you)

What was the last thing you said?

What was the last song you listened to on the radio?

What was the last song you listened to on a CD?

What CD is in your CD player right now??

What was the last song you sang to yourself, and when was it?

What is your favorite thing to do?

What is your best talent?

What is your favorite animal?

Do you collect anything?


What is your religion?

Do you have AOL Instant Messenger?Yahoo Instant Messenger? What are your screennames?

Are you enjoying this survey?

Should I add more questions?
Any ideas for my site? Questions? Comments??

What time is it now?

See all that time you wasted!?! Thanks for taking it, though!!