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Beaded Beads Necklaces

Here's the necklace made with my beaded beads. I used silver-lined twisted hex in dark topaz, eggshell 6/0 beads, and a twisted glass dark topaz bead (I think it's vintage German, but may be Czech) as a counterpart to the beaded beads. The design is symmetrical. The center bead is a Porcupine. As your eye travels up one side from the Porcupine, you'll see a variation of the basic bead, the Flutterby, the Cage, Jacks, ZigZag, and the Butterfly.

Topaz Medley

My first introduction to Beaded Beads was in JoAnn Baumann and Tina Bloomenthal's Elegant Elements class at Embellishment '98 in Sacramento. I fell in love with these beads. The following necklaces are the two I made with the beads I learned to make in their class. There are also two "Tweenie" beads made with instructions which Dona Anderson shared with me. She's since developed this bead beyond the original Tweenie and incorporated it in her new class, the Peach Blossom bracelet, which I'll be taking in November. (I received an email today, Sept. 13, from Doris Coghill who is the originator of the Tweenie bead. Go to the BeadWrangler site to read Doris's articles, see her work and her workshop schedule.)

The two necklaces which follow are both asymmetrical in design. While they can be worn separately, I usually wear them together.

J and T Number One

J and T Number Two

Page Updated Sept. 5, 1999. Copyright © 1999 Janie Warnick. All rights reserved.

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