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Vol 1 Issue 12

Rob and Deb's World Gazette

December 2000


Merry Christmas


Special report

The move to Ft Worth is official!


Rob's Job

Rob is still working as a foreman at Interlode Material Handling, and loves his job.

Rob had this comment: " I love my job, it provides me with a challenging atmosphere, one that I can continue to grow in.

Morris in his awwwww gotta love me position

Deb's Job

Deb has started a new part time job as a merchandiser for American Greetings.

After only two weeks, she was given the account of a second store.


The move to Fort Worth is complete. They love their new apartment. The furnishing is coming along nicely. They recently purchased a new 51" projection TV, a bedroom set, and a recliner.

Deb had this to say about the bedroom set. " I love it, this is the first time I have had a set that matched. "

They feel that moving is a chance for a "new start".

Look here for upcoming pictures of the new apartment.

Deb's Project

Deb's special project is coming along well. Sorry but we cannot release any details as of yet.

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