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Rio Grande Cichlid

Just recently(June, 2000) I once again visted the Rio Frio River near San Antonio, Texas. I had brought a small portable fish tank along with me to catch any small fish that i saw. I caught some more "mystery fish" and many more. One of the fishes i saw was white and had black stripes twords the tail. Most of my atempts to catch this fish had failed. Then the next day i saw a two of these fish over what appeared to be baby fry. It was neat to watch one of the parents chase off a larger fish then turn around to check on its babies. But they were no match for me. Once i was in the water and walking twords them they fled, but still in sight near by looking at me. i scooped about half the babies and brought em home. I put a dozen in my tank and another dozen in my fathers tank. A few days later my dad started asking question to the Texas Parks and Wildlife. He found out that the black and white fish is called the Rio Grande Chiclid. They're really a brownish color, but thats what they look like durning breeding season. Anyways, the Rio Grande Chiclid is suppose to have migrated here (Texas) from Mexico. None have been reported to have been found as far a Conco, Texas until now.

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