This fan fiction occurs after the events of Tenchi the Movie 2: The Daughter of Darkness (aka "Manatsu no Eve" [Midsummer's Eve]). It is also based on the OAVs and other tidbits of the Tenchi Muyo! Universes. The Tenchi Muyo! Universes and characters are the creation and possession of AIC and Pioneer. I do not claim them. But I wrote the storyline to "The Dark Jurai". Characters that are made up such as Jurai Ankoku-ou are my idea. Please email me if you want to use anything of mine. Aolong is also my idea, yadda, yadda... Note: The fight scenes from here on in can get fairly Dragon Ball Z-ish, but hey, Tenchi Muyo has energy attacks, too (beam swords, blasts out of the hands, etc.)! And Dragon Ball Z is copyright Toei Animation! The Dark Jurai - Chapter 21 - "Getting the Bearings Straight" by Timothy Turner email: AIM: InuYashaGT500 The Insane Anime Fan's Page The Dark Jurai page is at: Kiyone and Mihoshi's hearts pumped almost out of their chests as the countdown approached zero. Ten seconds semmed like eternity. "HAHAHAHAHAAAAA!! The cores will reach critical heat in ten seconds!," the disguised Mitsuki recording on the screen laughed. Kiyone thought to herself. Despite her approaching doom she kept shooting. "Nine..." Mihoshi screamed in her mind. tears streamed down Mihoshi's as she shot her core. "Eight..." Kiyone cursed her situation. "Seven..." Mihoshi kept shooting. "Six..." Kiyone pulled her trigger insanely. "Five..." Mihoshi shook her head. "Four..." Kiyone ground her teeth together. "Three..." Mihoshi pulled her trigger harder and much more rapidly. "Two..." Kiyone kept telling herself. "One..." Mihoshi looked very serious for the first time since she had graduated the Galaxy Police Academy. "Zero...It was nice knowing you!" The cores began to glow and hum. It looked like it was over for the two Galaxy Police officers until the cores fizzled out. Their critical circuits had been severed. "We're...we're not dead?," Kiyone's voice shook. "We're still talking, right?," Mihoshi pinched her cheek. "Who the hell is behind this!??!," Kiyone threw her pistol on the floor. "And why does he or she want us dead?" "I don't know but I think we should rest for now. Besides, people care about us," Mihoshi pointed out the window. Kiyone sighed and saw Ryo-Ohki hovering outside just a few hundred meters away. "Mihoshi...I really have underestimated and misjudged you. And for that, I am sorry. You're the only person who has cared about me, been my friend through it all..." Kiyone turned toward a sleeping Mihoshi. "Damn you, Mihoshi!!," Kiyone clenched her fist. "You didn't hear a thing, did you?!" Ryoko teleported onto Yagami with Tenchi and Aolong holdiing on to her. "Is everyone alright? What happened?," Tenchi spoke. "Yeah." Kiyone exhaled, "Someone planted a virus in Yagami's computer and tried to kill us by making Yagami's laser cores overheat. It'll take days to repair Yagami." "Hmm," Aolong scratched his chin, "Human assets are more important. Good to see you alive." Kiyone stood up, "Thank you." "Everything is really down the toilet now," Ryoko shook her head. "With Ayeka gone, most of the Light Jurai Empire under control of the Dark Jurai, and Mayuka kidnapped, what could possibly be worse?" "More Dark Jurai atacks, that's what," Aolong looked into the vastness of outer space. "What has happened so far is only the beginning. If their numbers are as large as I have heard from you, we can expect more violent and devastating attacks in the near future. If these Dark Jurai are as ruthless as I have heard they will spare nothing and no-one." "Then," Tenchi stepped forward, "What can we do to increase our chances of defeating our adversaries if we are outnumbered?" "As father always loved saying," Aolong turned around and smiled, "Leave no source of power untapped. And leave no resources idle." "The Galaxy Police are gathering all of their remaining units in the galaxy. We need to find the nearest GP survey ship and uplink to it. From there we can find out if my old colleague is still alive. He may hold a few answers to the questions we have," Kiyone pulled out her pocket computer. "The nearest survey ship I know of is in the Alpha Centauri system four light years from here. Since Yagami is out of comission I'll have to interface with it manually from an outside control panel. Can you take me there, Ryoko?" "No problem. Get what you need and hang on to me," Ryoko took Tenchi and Aolong back to Ryo-Ohki and came back for Kiyone and Mihoshi, now awake. Kiyone had a couple of astronaut suits ready. Ryoko took them to Ryo-Ohki and set out to the Alpha Centauri system. On the occupied planet of Jurai, Ryu-Oh arrived at a spaceport. Upon entry Ayeka walked out of the tree. She surveyed the damage Ryoko had inflicted upon her ship. Ayeka sneered and mumbled to herself, "Ryoko, that bitch. This only proves that she has hated me all along. She can have Tenchi for all I care." Jurai Ankoku-ou walked to the dock Ayeka had landed at. "Wonderful work, Princess Ayeka. You have confused your former allies, making them think ou have a chance of recovery," Jurai Ankoku-ou bellowed. Ayeka's smile was menacing, "It was my pleasure. We can take them by surprise when they think they have saved me. I can't wait to see the look on their faces, especially those two lovesick bastards, Tenchi and Ryoko." "Will they be a challenge?" "There is a new one among them called Aolong. Have you heard that the Lost Branch is intervening?" "Yes, I have. Mitsuki told me everything. This Aolong sounds like he will be the most threatening. I shall tend to this one personally. Then we shall carry out the revival of Yuzuha." It was but a hop, skip, and a jump to Alpha Centauri. Kiyone had inputted the coordinates for the unmanned survey ship into Ryo-Ohki through Ryoko. "Why can't we just interface with the ship directly through Ryo-Ohki?," Tenchi asked. Kiyone was putting on her astronaut suit, "If an unknown ship tries to interface with the survey ship, the survey ship will fire upon the unknown ship attempting to gather information from it. I can, however, interface with it through a manual control panel on the outside of the ship. I can monior the activity of virtually all of the Galaxy Police vessels in the galaxy and neighboring galaxies in real time. I can also communicate with my fellow officers through the GP subspace network." They were approaching the survey ship. "Aren't there people abord that can talk to us?," Tenchi continued? "No," Kiyone was almost through putting her suit on, "These ships are unmanned and are run by computer. Since Ryoko's records have been cleared by the statute of limitations the ship won't fire upon us. The ship fires on ships with criminal history in their IDs." Kiyone had finished putting on her suit, "Take me outside, Ryoko." Ryoko teleported Kiyone outside to the manual control panel. "Okay. Give me a few minutes. I should have all of the data we need in a short monent," Kiyone hooked a wire to her computer. Ryoko followed Kiyone instead of teleporting back on board Ryo-Ohki. "Why are you following me?," Kiyone turned to Ryoko. Ryoko, in total anime style, wrote a sign saying, "I have a bad feeling about this. Just think of me as your guardian angel." She could read Kiyone's lips, by the way, since space is a vaccum. "The ship won't fire on us," Kiyone looked annoyed. Ryoko wrote another sign, "Are you sure? With all the bad stuff that's happened to us I'm not taking any chances. I'm not collecting your giblets if you get pasted by a laser I could have saved you from in time." Kiyone sighed in frustration, "Fine, have it your way. But we won't get fired upon!" Ryoko wrote a final sign, "Geez, don't scream, Miss GP." Kiyone hooked her computer up to a port and began downloading information. A message came up saying that Morikawa was downloading information as well. "Excellent!," Kiyone exclaimed. She sent a chat request to him. Morikawa, who was on the other end, got the request and immediately accepted it. "Kiyone? Is that you?," Morikawa appeared on Kiyone's screen. "Long time, no see, old friend. I haven't seen you since the academy. There's a lot of crazy stuff going on here!," Kiyone sighed in relief. "I have heard. GP HQ is in ruins and your particular star system is a huge hotspot of activity these days," Morikawa was fiddling with some papers. "Man, I don't know how you do that homework so quickly. We have a member of the Lost Branch of Jurai with us!" "Really!? Interesting! Even at my very remote outpost I can't get that kind of info that fast!," Morikawa laughed. "Listen, did you recieve that suspicious transmission supposedly made by the Marshal?" "Yes, I did. It is definitely Dark Jurai magic at work. I am trying to notify as many GP fleet commanders as possible to stay away from Sakou. I think it is a Dark Jurai trap. I have notified most of the remaining fleet and they are meeting in a different star system. Since GP HQ was destroyed in a matter of moments, there has to be an insider in the GP I haven't detected." The screen fizzled for a second. Morikawa jumped back, "Are you sure this subspace channel is secure?" "I'm sure," Kiyone looked around. Morikawa was jittery, "I'm so tired. I have to go rest. You know the certain place I like to hang out at. Meet me there. I need to discuss... further...matters..." The transmission started to crackle. "DAMN IT!," Kiyone yelled. Just then an alert appeared on Kiyone's computer. It was a message that had been prerecorded. "Hello, Kiyone. This is your personal thorn-in-your-side again!," it was the disguised Mitsuki again. "I suspected you'd come here so I have yet another surprise for you. I had your friend the Marshal reinstate Ryoko's criminal record as soon as you had interfaced with a GP survey ship for a certain amount of time! Let's see you get out of this one!" Kiyone turned to Ryoko, "GET US OUT OF HERE!!" Ryoko grabbed Kiyone and teleported back onto Ryo-Ohki. Back on board Ryo-Ohki Ryoko immediately commanded Ryo-Ohki to return to Earth as soon as the first lasers began to fire. One of then was aimed where Kiyone had interfaced with the ship. "What was that all about?," Mihoshi asked. "Our personal taunter is back," Kiyone clenched her fist. She turned to Ryoko, "Sorry I doubted you, Ryoko." "No problem," Ryoko put Ryo-Ohki to full throttle, "If I hadn't been there you'd be floating viscera. Just think of this as a gift from the gods." "Did you get any information?," Tenchi inquired. "Yes. That transmission was a trap. Morikawa wants us to meet him at a special place I have worked with him before at. No one will find us there," Kiyone sat against a wall. Mitsuki was sitting at the console in Mihoshi's ship, having overheard the whole conversation. Mitsuki smiled, "Two birds with one stone..." End of Chapter 21