This fan fiction occurs after the events of Tenchi the Movie 2: The Daughter of Darkness (aka "Manatsu no Eve" [Midsummer's Eve]). It is also based on the OAVs and other tidbits of the Tenchi Muyo! Universes. The Tenchi Muyo! Universes and characters are the creation and possession of AIC and Pioneer. I do not claim them. But I wrote the storyline to "The Dark Jurai". Characters that are made up such as Jurai Ankoku-ou are my idea. Please email me if you want to use anything of mine. Aolong is also my idea, yadda, yadda... Note: The fight scenes from here on in can get fairly Dragon Ball Z-ish, but hey, Tenchi Muyo has energy attacks, too (beam swords, blasts out of the hands, etc.)! And Dragon Ball Z is copyright Toei Animation! The Dark Jurai - Chapter 19 - "Mitsuki's Return to the Past" by Timothy Turner email: The Dark Jurai page is at: The Masaki household looked up at the sky and wondered what had just happened. "What was that just now?," Kiyone gasped. "Mihoshi's ship seemed to have a life of its own." "Or someone stole it," Aolong suggested. Kiyone blinked, "That's a possibility, but..." Mihoshi interrupted, "In any case, we need to find out who stole my ship." Kiyone sighed at Mihoshi's response to Aolong's suggestion," We'll go out into space with Yagami and pursue your ship, Mihoshi," Kiyone hit a few buttons and made Yagami rise out of the lake nearby, "And we'll see if my old acquaintance is still alive. He might hold a key to helping us find the Marshal." "Who is this Marshal anyway?," Aolong scratched his head. "I know he's Mihoshi's grandfather and all but could you guys fill me in?" Kiyone cleared her throat, "The Marshal is the head of the Galaxy Police of which both Mihoshi and myself are employed. He helped Mihoshi get her job and Mihoshi recommended me to him and that is how I became a Galaxy Police officer." "And what has happened to him?" Mihoshi bit her lower lip to keep her tears back, "He was... supposedly killed in the destruction of Galaxy Police head- quarters. A massive explosion destroyed the whole place... and...and he chose to stay behind." Aolong's looked at the ground, "I see. We'll find out about it. I promise." "Really? Thank you, Aolong," a tear ran from one of Mihoshi's eyes. Mitsuki had made her way back to the now occupied planet of Jurai. Jurai Ankoku-ou had communicated with Mitsuki earlier. The evil ruler of the Dark Jurai had decided to pay Jurai a visit and speak with Mitsuki personally. After a few hours after her arrival Mitsuki finally met Jurai Ankoku-ou in the throne room of the Jurai Palace. "So, tell me what has happened on your travels. I am eager to hear your report," the king walked around the throne room of Jurai. "I have discovered the location of the lost branch of the Light Jurai. They are quite powerful. I almost died at the hands of one of their warriors. Had it not been for the help of some locals I would not have the honor of speaking to Your Highness at this moment," Mitsuki bowed. "And I see that you have stolen the ship of Mihoshi Kuramitsu. It has valuable Galaxy Police secrets to advanced technology and access codes to secret files. You have done well." Jurai Ankoku-ou praised Mitsuki for her work. "But the time still isn't right for the ceremony to revive Yuzuha. When Yuzuha is resurrected we will put both branches of the Light Jurai in their place!" "What about the raid on the Galaxy Science Academy?," Mitsuki asked. "Ah, yes. The Grav-Cannon. We have the blueprints to it. We shall destroy any fleet that stands in our way. The Light Jurai fleet here is almost completely decimated so we won't have to bother using that weapon on them. The Galaxy Police will be our guinea pigs for this experiment. But first we must gather the rare resources need to build it." Mitsuki nodded, "Of course. Once all the GP units gather at Sakou we will crush them. And I expect a couple of friends to show up..." Jurai Ankoku-ou understood and nodded, "Very well. I see that you have some personal business to deal with in regard to Miss Makibi. Go ahead and take your time. Play around with them if you like. I give you my express permission to do as you please on the field. Dismissed!" Mitsuki bowed and then saluted, "Sir, yes Sir!" She then left. Mitsuki decided she had better get some rest. She went to a set of temporary barracks and went to sleep. Mitsuki dreamt of her past over 2800 years ago (yes, she's this old in this series). Jurai Ankoku-ou was making an announcement to Mitsuki and another woman. "Listen to me," Jurai Ankoku-ou ordered. "You are to find the lost branch of Jurai and attempt to gather intelligence. Though Yuzuha sleeps we shall attack them when she awakens. You are both my best soldiers and I trust you will successfully carry out your mission." "Yes, sir," both the women kneeled. "Good. Now go and find them. We suspect they are at these coordinates...X29B28-C42997" "But that part of the Milky Way is a suicide trap! The automated defense turrets will...!," Mitsuki exclaimed. "Are you afraid, Mitsuki?," Jurai Ankoku-ou asked with a frightening tone. "N-no, sir." "Excellent. Okay, your partner will help you navigate. I'm not quite familiar with your name yet since you just gained my attention. What was it again?" "My name is Sayoko Anzai," the other woman replied. "I hear you know technology well. I'm counting on you to help Mitsuki get through that field," Jurai Ankoku-ou went on, "Your skills are important to the Dark Jurai empire in this mission." "You can count on me, sir," Sayoko kneeled on both her knees and bowed her head to the floor. "Go now," Jurai Ankoku-ou ordered. Both got up, "Yes, Sir." The dream continued... Mitsuki was preparing the ship before the two left on their fated mission, "So, Sayoko. What did you do before coming here to the Dark Jurai Special Infiltration Unit?" "I was a technology specialist. I spied on the Galaxy Science Academy Top Secret Laboratories and learned the ways of the Light Jurai. I know their empire in and out," Sayoko was bringing some navigation equipment aboard. Mitsuki began to channel her energy, "I need to concentrate. So don't disturb me with that computer stuff." "This computer equipment is going to help us get to that field and back," Sayoko smiled as she brought up a screen. "So, how powerful is your ki? You must be incredibly powerful to get in Dark Jurai Infiltration Unit. I only know of a couple of more people that managed to make it Jurai Ankoku-ou's special unit," Mitsuki began to channel her ki into the ship's core. "According to the training masters I'm almost on par with you. I asked them and they said I am nearly equal to your power. If I keep at it I'll be extremely powerful one day." Mitsuki chuckled, "It's not power that makes a great fighter, it's the experience!" She finished preparing the ship by channeling a little more ki into it. "You're piloting the ship with your ki." Sayoko pulled out a strange device that looked like a metal plate with some lights and switches on it. It also had straps to wear it like a backpack. Mitsuki sweat a big sweat drop, "What the hell is that thing?" Sayoko grinned, "It's a prototype space survival pack. It generates a force field around the wearer to protect him or her from the harsh environment of space. It could replace bulky space suits. It was invented by some great scientist named Hakubi...Washu or something. The design behind it is BRILLIANT! But she disappeared when her ship the Souja was activated so her plans were scrapped." Sayoko pointed at a green light and a red light. "These lights tell you when the pack is on or off. Of course, the colors tell you which is on or off." "You sure know a whole lot about this Washu" Sayoko put the backpack-like device on and danced around, "She's my IDOL!" Both of the women laughed and left for the turret field. She dreamed further... Sayoko and Mitsuki had come out of hyperspace. "I'm stopping the ship. I need to do a quick sensor scan of this system. This way I can pinpoint the location of planets and other things," Sayoko hit a few switches and typed on her computer after telling the ship to stop with her ki. "This other branch is well defended. Will the sensors pick up the turrets?," Mitsuki wiped some sweat off her forehead. She was already nervous about entering the field. "Here we go," Sayoko pulled up a large view screen. "The turrets are packed close together. It's going to be very close. The reason I stopped here is because we are out of range." "Will the sensors pick up the turrets or not?" "Yes. Let's move in closer and look at the planets," Sayoko commanded the ship to move and get the planets in viewer range. The ship moved dangerously close toward the range of the defense turrets. "Are you sure this is safe?," Mitsuki asked. "According to probe data we can move within a million kilometers and still not be detected. Judging the distance and all of that other junk I'm sure you're not interested in we can safely view the planets without being in harm's way," Sayoko readied the viewer. "What happened to the probe?" Mitsuki gulped. Sayoko laughed really hard, "It got fried by a bright beam, that's what!!!! It came within a million kilometers and was vaporized!!!! Bringing planets on the viewer!" The planets appeared on the viewer. "What in the world is this? The surfaces of these planets are barren! How could our enemy live there?," Sayoko scratched her head. An alarm went off... Mitsuki turned around to Sayoko, "THE TURRETS!!!" "SHIT! THIS WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!," Sayoko tried to get the ship to turn around but a beam struck the vessel. Both screamed loudly as a hole tore open at the starboard side. Sayoko and Mitsuki hung on for their lives as the ship lost air. Mitsuki had an unforgettable look of fear on her face as space tried to claim her life, "SAYOKO!!!! HELP MEEEEEEE!!!!" Sayoko's fear in her ki sent a message to the ship to move forward toward the center of the field. The two soldiers were being hurled through the field at breakneck speed. Mitsuki's tears were freezing on her face as the temperature dropped. Sayoko's physical strength was waning quickly. "I can't hold on!," Sayoko gritted her teeth. "Don't let go, Sayoko!" "I can...UGH!" Sayoko lost her grip and was sucked out into the vacuum of space. Mitsuki saw the red light was on. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!," Mitsuki acted fast and ran into the safety of the Dark Jurai tree core of the ship. Everything went black... The dream came to a sad ending... A disappointed Jurai Ankoku-ou loomed over Mitsuki. "I thought I could count on you, Mitsuki!!!!," Jurai Ankoku-ou yelled. "Now my new elite technology expert is dead!!!! You will be severely punished!!!!!! You get twenty lashes at the main public plaza!" She cried as he left... The dream ended with a few cracks of a whip and a few spatters of blood. Mitsuki jerked awake... she thought to herself. The double agent went to a private shower room. She turned around and looked at her bare back in a mirror, still covered with scars. Mitsuki took a shower and used her shape shifting abilities to hide the scars afterwards. Back to the Masaki household... Washu was working hard to awaken the rest of the Jurai Royal Family. Tenchi came in to check on her progress. Tenchi looked at the monitor over Washu's shoulder, "How is everyone? Are they faring well?" Washu sighed and shook her head, "I don't know. Everyone seems to be getting better except for Ayeka. The Dark Jurai must have done something really awful to her." "I hope dad and grandpa awaken soon. I really miss talking to them. It's strange that I haven't talked to them in days." "I'm working on it," Washu kept working. "Check back with me in about an hour." "Okay," as Tenchi left the room Ayeka let out a shrill scream. Everyone heard the scream. Kiyone and Mihoshi decided to put off the pursuit and went to the lab. Everyone rushed to see what the scream was about. End of Chapter 19