This fan fiction occurs after the events of Tenchi the Movie 2: The Daughter of Darkness (aka "Manatsu no Eve" [Midsummer's Eve]). It is also based on the OAVs and other tidbits of the Tenchi Muyo! Universes. The Tenchi Muyo! Universes and characters are the creation and possession of AIC and Pioneer. I do not claim them. But I wrote the storyline to "The Dark Jurai". Characters that are made up such as Jurai Ankoku-ou are my idea. Note: The fight scenes from here on in will be fairly Dragon Ball Z-ish, but hey, Tenchi Muyo has energy attacks , too (beam swords, blasts out of the hands, etc.)! And Dragon Ball Z is copyright Toei Animation! The Dark Jurai - Chapter 16 - "Between Master and Pupil" by Timothy Turner email: The Tiandijian illuminated the entire room. It was different than the Tenchiken in a couple of ways. The round part of the hilt was hexagonal in shape and the rest of the sword had a smoother look than the Tenchiken's. "It's beautiful!," Aolong's face lit up. "But! -," Tenchi began. "But nothing! I know how to use swords!," Aolong walked up to and grabbed the Tiandijian. It glowed in his hand and emitted a beam. "Excellent!" Tenchi screamed this time, "This is crazy! You're trying to get ahead of yourself!" "I am not! Let's go!," the young prince of Shulei began to walk out of the room. "You're not going anywhere!," Aoli appeared at the door with Aolong's mother, Fan Baoliu. "Father!" "Son. Over the time I've seen you train with Kaitu you have become more and more reckless. I will call the greatest disciplinarians around Shulei and have them bring you back to a normal state." "No you won't! My mind is free!," Aolong stood firm. "Aolong!," Baoliu scolded, "Please try to cooperate at least for once!" "No way! I won't live a life dictating the people and starting wars!," Aolong bared his teeth, "Don't you understand? The peasants are growing weary and a revolution is at hand! The other civilizations that wished to aid us will give the peasants technology to overthrow us if we don't make peace with the advanced civilizations and give the peasants a higher standard for living!" "You have lost your mind, son!," Aoli started toward his son. "If you want to keep me here to make me your slave, you are sadly MISTAKEN!," Aolong ran out of the storehouse with blinding speed. Tenchi left the storehouse as well. "Oh, no!," Baoliu gasped, "No one can catch Aolong except Kaitu! We'll never get that sword back without Kaitu's cooperation! Either that or we will have to use the Seal of Shulei to destroy our son's power!" Aoli grunted in frustration, "Very well. We shall use Kaitu's services one more time before banishing him from the palace." Aolong and Tenchi ran throughout the palace gathering Tenchi's friends. But there was a problem. The palace guards were being alerted to the situation. No one was allowed to enter or leave the palace. That was clear when everyone rounded a corner. "Oh, no!," Ryoko exclaimed, "How are we going to get out of here! Those guards are about as powerful as I am!," she got an energy sword ready. "Heh. Leave that to me...," Aolong smiled. The young prince stepped out from around the corner, surprising the guards. "M-master Aolong! What are you doing!?!? You don't have the Tiandijian, do you!?!," one of the guards shook. The other one drew his weapon. Aolong shook his finger, "Now, now... We know what happens in anyone besides Kaitu tries to fight me, don't we?" The guard lunged at Aolong, "But it's my duty!," he swung his weapon. Aolong teleported behind the guard and rendered him unconscious. Other guards came along to try their luck but none were any more fortunate than the first guard. The young Shuleian prince had finished off all the guards in the area within a few minutes, "Let's go!" The prince led Tenchi and the Masaki residents outside the palace. Kaitu had grown tired of waiting for the Dark Juraian to show up. They decided that the dark one would appear when he or she decided to. All that Kaitu said was "Coward," and returned to the palace. Mitsuki was growing weaker by the minute. Her bones would disintegrate if she didn't receive some kind of treatment. She saw Kaitu leaving and was glad. A few moments after Kaitu left. She was losing consciousness, All of a sudden she saw a man walking by. She cried out as loudly as she could, not knowing if the man would hear hear her. She was fortunate, he did hear her. "Oh, no! Someone needs help!," the man searched the bushes and found Mitsuki all bruised and battered from her fight with Aolong, "Are you okay? I'll get you to a healer right away!" Mitsuki lost consciousness. "WHAT!?," Kaitu's face had a look of disbelief on it, "Aolong took the Tiandijian?!". The old master dropped his head down in shock, "Right, I'll go and find Aolong." "Thank you," Aoli grit his teeth. Meanwhile, back on the other side of the portal, Washu was working her best to treat the Jurai Royal Family. "It looks like most of the royal family will make a recovery fairly soon. But Ayeka will present a problem? How do I get to her? How do I help her? Her brain patterns are on the fritz and I don't know how to help her. I can only keep her sedated and think of something. And what about Mayuka!? What are the Dark Jurai doing to her right now?," Washu rubbed her aching forehead, "I have such a headache." One of Washu's monitors blipped and made an alert: Sasami was conscious. "Thank goodness my efforts are paying off...," Washu sighed in partial relief. Sasami sat up. She had forgotten her escape but she knew she was safe. "Washu?," Sasami looked around, "Am I in...?," she was cut off. "Yes, Sasami. You are in my lab. Your family is safe," Washu assured Sasami of her current whereabouts. "Where's Tenchi?," Sasami searched the room for Tenchi as she sat in bed. "He's off searching for help. At the last report I heard, the Juraian fleet has lost over half of its ships.," the scientist's head dropped. A frown was evident on her tired face. "What about Ayeka?" "I don't know how to say this. But your sister has, in a nutshell, lost her mind. She is unable to communicate or function normally." "Oh, no! Can't you do anything Washu?," tears built up in Sasami's eyes. She began to pout. "No. I'm afraid not.," Washu's eyes began to lose focus, "I am very tired, Sasami. I have stayed up for at least 48 hours since this started. I am exhausted from all the stress. I need to lie down for a while. Believe me, I have done all I can for your family." "Okay. Thank you, Washu," Sasami wiped a tear off her cheek. Washu went to bed to take a very long rest. In an undisclosed location, Jurai Ankoku-ou was sipping wine from a crystal glass. The dark monarch was getting very impatient; for one of his best officers had not returned from a particular mission. "Where is Mitsuki!?!?," Jurai Ankoku-ou roared, "I grow tired of her technique! She should have returned by now! She shouldn’t have taken this long to kill Tenchi!" Mayuka began to cry. "SHUT UP!!!!!," the evil ruler screamed, making the crying worse. "The revival of Yuzuha better be worth all the trouble I'm going through. It is not time yet." A messenger appeared. The man held a letter in his hand and appeared fairly concerned. "Your Darkness," the man greeted. "WHAT!?!?!," Jurai Ankoku-ou burst. It was obvious that Mayuka's crying irritated him. "Mitsuki has gone on a mission to determine a possible new threat, sir. She said it was worth looking into. It...," the messenger shook. It was not in one's best interest to keep a dark ruler waiting. "WELL!?!?!?!," the dark king's patience ran thin. "She said Tenchi and his friends went through the beacon and are beginning a search for the lost branch of Jurai's Royal Family!," the messenger shook, finally getting the message out. "This was the last transmission she sent before following them through!" "What?," this piqued Jurai Ankoku-ou's interest, "Does Tenchi think he can find the branch that can generate Light Hawk Wings at will? If the legends are true then we have quite a challenge on our hands. What an interesting time this will be," the king laughed. "This will pass the time until we will be able to revive Yuzuha. Then we will crush the Light Jurai Empire forever!" The laughing echoed and eventually drowned out Mayuka's crying. Back on Shulei, Kaitu was having luck tracking Aolong. Even though Aolong had suppressed his ki, the elderly master knew where Aolong was going. The young prince was going to leave Shulei behind...possibly forever. If Kaitu didn't hurry he wouldn't be able to get the Tiandijian back. The master used his memories of long ago to find the place where Yosho landed. He knew that Funaho's memory recorded the landing place. Also, Kaitu knew that with Funaho, the only ship that knew the way to Shulei in the group, it was the only place the outsiders could land. "I'm almost there," the master told himself. "Aolong has gone too far. That young man should know better than to defy his parents this openly. Now they may use the Seal of Shulei to diminish his powers. This is going to get nasty." Kaitu reached the clearing. Aolong was talking to Tenchi and the others before taking flight. Aolong turned around, "Master! Came to wish me luck?," a smile grew on his face. Kaitu threw his hands in the air, "Aolong! Stop this absurdity! Your parents are outraged and want the sword back! If you hurry they won't use the Seal of Shulei on you!" Mihoshi leaned toward Aolong, "What's that?" "I'm not afraid of a stupid seal that will supposedly seal my power...," Aolong's smile turned into a look of deep, burning rage. "I'm going to help these people. They're our kin for crying out loud! Besides, the seal supposedly hasn't been used for thousands of years! What makes you think my parents would be able to use it!?" "I know they are our kindred," Kaitu concurred, "But going into a fight without a plan and being headstrong about it. You'll pay with your life! Haven't you learned that lesson from me?!" "I did well in the battles I fought with you! Even though the technology of our enemies was advanced it was no match for our power!," the arrogance of youth was boiling Aolong's blood. "You were great then because you were ready. But this enemy is different! Their leader is probably a hundred times more powerful than the one you fought! Trust me! If you hurry your parents will become calm enough to let you retain your power! Don't throw it all away on a whim!," the elderly master pleaded. "I never thought you would say that. You said that all people are equal, right? Why are you betraying your own beliefs?" "I'm following your parents' orders," Kaitu's face wrinkled. "I guess I'm going to have to fight for my freedom," Aolong generated his 6 Light Hawk Wings, knowing his master would more than likely defeat him, "I guess dying is the only way to become free." "If that's the way you want it," Kaitu generated 8 Light Hawk Wings of his own, "Then so be it!" The combat began... Aolong took the first swing, missing his teleporting master. Kaitu then came down from above with the same diving kick Aolong used earlier. Aolong looked up in surprise and teleported just in time to avoid being hit. Kaitu looked around but didn't see Aolong...until the young prince came dashing toward him, hitting Kaitu in the stomach with a flying kick. Kaitu retorted with a kick to Aolong's back. That's when the combat became really fast. The master and pupil moved so fast that Tenchi and everyone else couldn't keep up with their movement. Every time Aolong and Kaitu tried to hit each other they would teleport. Their speed was almost equal, but Kaitu had the advantage of strength. Kaitu managed to hit Aolong a couple of times. Aolong teleported way up into the air, that no one could see him. The young prince began to gather his ki for a huge energy wave. Of course, he was also quite a distance away from the ships in order not to damage them. "Take this!," Aolong accumulated a huge amount of energy in such a short amount of time, "Azure Falcon Shockwave!" The same huge dark blue beam the prince used on Mitsuki went streaking toward Kaitu, who was flying toward Aolong in a straight line. And also toward the beam which struck him head on. Kaitu only had time to block before the beam exploded directly in his face. The area quaked and trees fell over from the sheer force. Unfortunately, one fell on the Yagami and damaged a vital system. This was unknown to Kiyone, who hoped nothing was wrong. The area was also lit brightly with a light brighter than ten suns. Everyone shielded their eyes. The light faded away. But Kaitu was still standing. Aolong was exhausted. He barely had the energy to fly. "HAHAHAHA!! That's the best I've ever gotten from you! If that's all you got then I'm impressed. It looks like I'll have to use my best move!," Kaitu balled up into a fetal position in mid-air. Aolong quivered. It was the end now that Kaitu was resorting to this technique. "LIGHT HAWK WING MERGE!!!!," the master screamed loud enough for even Tenchi to hear him. The Light Hawk Wings appeared and soaked into his body, making him twenty times faster and fifty times stronger. After charging up, Kaitu charged Aolong and delivered a final blow. The young prince didn't even have time to blink. Aolong was officially out for the count. Kaitu recovered his energetic pupil and landed in front of Tenchi and the others. "You have better apologize to the emperor," Kaitu warned. "If you don't he won't grant you any assistance." "What will happen to Aolong?," Tenchi asked, fairly irritated at this seemingly pointless family turmoil. "He will be subjected to extreme disciplinary measure. And he may have his powers sealed for an unspecified amount of time," Kaitu deactivated the Light Hawk Wing Merge. "I heard you mention a 'Seal of Shulei'", Tenchi recapped, "What is that?" "It's used for unruly members of the Shulei Royal Family. The emperor can seal anyone's power who is of imperial descent with the Tiandijian. That's probably one of the main reasons Aolong took it. Now I fear that the future of Shulei will be sealed if Aoli seals Aolong's powers. You know, I couldn't find the one you fought earlier?" Everyone gasped. "Why couldn't you?," Mihoshi began to panic. "You couldn't sense any ki, could you?," Ryoko guessed. "That's right," Kaitu nodded. "That person could be anywhere now." The master sighed. "I'll be off to the palace. If you will follow me I shall assist you in regaining the emperor's trust." The entire group returned to the palace. The Tiandijian was handed directly to Aoli. "All right, then," Aoli turned away from the group after a long negotiation. "I shall grant you assistance in the form of 5,000 ships. Our fleet is considerably larger than the small fleet of 10,000 you described. We left with a considerably greater number of ships. My fleet numbers at 37,000 ships." "Thank you," Tenchi bowed as well as the others. "However," Aoli added, "It will take two weeks for us to gather that many ships." Tenchi thought to himself, not saying it out loud. The others thought the same thing. "Your Highness," Kaitu came in, "I need to rest. Aolong put up quite a fight." "Go ahead," Aoli granted his servant permission, "Enjoy it very deeply," he turned to Tenchi and the group, "Please, stay here one more night." "Of course," Tenchi bowed again. Aoli thought. "I'm going to assess the damage done to Yagami," Kiyone told Tenchi, "I'll sleep in my quarters on board." "Okay. Take care," Tenchi smiled. "I'm going with her," Mihoshi stated her intentions. "Go ahead, I'm not stopping you," Tenchi motioned Mihoshi to go. Mihoshi and Kiyone left. "Byeeeeeee!!!!!!," Ryoko waved with a much happy look on her face, An evil look took shape on Ryoko's visage. Ryo-Ohki looked at her in confusion. Ryoko was red as a beet. Tenchi turned around, "Ryoko! Don't get any ideas!" "Who??!! Me!? ^_^ ," Ryoko skipped toward Tenchi. "I mean it!," Tenchi tried to back away from an imposing Ryoko. Tenchi sweat bullets. Mitsuki came to. There were several men around her and one of them was using his ki to heal her. "Look! She's coming around!," one man exclaimed in relief. "Hi!," the man who healed her smiled. This one was dressed elegantly and looked important. "It's a good thing I was on my way home whe I found you. No one really uses the path I take. Now...can you tell us your name?" "Sure," Mitsuki smiled, her body restored to fighting, no, KILLING condition, "You won't tell anyone, anyways." "What do you mean...AAAAAAUUUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" End of Chapter 16