This fan fiction occurs after the events of Tenchi the Movie 2: The Daughter of Darkness (aka "Manatsu no Eve" [Midsummer's Eve]). It is also based on the OAVs and other tidbits of the Tenchi Muyo! Universes. DISCLAIMER: The Tenchi Muyo! Universes and characters are the creation and possession of AIC and Pioneer except the characters I made (Jurai Ankoku-ou, etc.) I do not claim them. Kurigaishi (repeat)! The Tenchi Muyo! Universes and characters are the creation andpossession of AIC and Pioneer. I do not claim them. But I wrote the storyline to "The Dark Jurai" and made an extra character or two. Comments? E-mail me at Visit my webpage at The Dark Jurai Chapter 1 by Timothy Turner It was another morning at the Masaki residence. Tenchi had woken up to weed the carrot patches for Ryo-Ohki and train in swordsmanship. Everyone else was asleep. The morning air was cleaner than usual. And the mist gave the view of the lake a beautiful touch-up. "Wow," exhaled Tenchi. "Everything sure seems different this morning. Come to think of it, it was like this the day I released Ryoko. I pray this time the events of the day will not lead to another big mess-up, like Kagato." Tenchi weeded the fields and did some training with Yosho, aka Katsuhito. By that time everyone had woken up. "Tenchi," called Yosho as Tenchi walked away. "Yes, grandpa?" asked Tenchi. "Remember that we have to add a small shrine near Funaho today," Yosho reminded Tenchi. "That's right," Tenchi remembered. "I'll round up the others." In the house, everyone was eating Sasami's ever-delicious cooking. The baby Mayuka was having the usual milk in a bottle. Tenchi walked in and announced everyone was to help build the shrine in an hour. After that Tenchi sat down to eat with the rest of the group. Ryoko teleported next to Tenchi and began to bother him as usual. "Teeeennnchiiii," Ryoko said in her playful voice, "How about you marry me and add me to your menu?" Ryoko asked Tenchi. Aeka blew her lid. "YOU TRAMP!" she yelled. "What kind of a dirty rat are you to ask Tenchi something nastily implied like that? Tenchi is mine!" She threw a pickle at Ryoko. Ryoko dodged it. "I wouldn't be Tenchi's tramp if I married him. Teehee." Ryoko picked up the pickle and teleported behind Aeka. Then she put the pickle in Aeka's mouth. Aeka decided to bring in the artillery. She summoned mini Azakas and Kamidakes. Tenchi was getting a big sweat drop on the back of his head as he watched the two. Tenchi decided to intervene. But before Tenchi could do that, it was too late. Ryoko and Aeka went at it and the shockwaves from the battle caused a pot of noodles to land on Tenchi, making a wig of white noodles on top of Tenchi's head. "That does it! Everyone will be out at Funaho's place within the hour!" Tenchi yelled so loud that the baby Mayuka began to cry. "Look what you did, Ryoko!" yelled Aeka. "Me!?" she retorted. "Who summoned the logs to shoot loud lasers at me?" "Quit it!" yelled Tenchi as he picked up Mayuka. "I will take Mayuka for a walk and then I will meet you all at Funaho!" Tenchi took Mayuka and put her in a baby backpack and walked out. "I do not know why I even put up living with you people," Kiyone whispered to herself. Kiyone was in a bad mood because her request to transfer to a different branch was denied. "Why can't I work a decent job at the Galaxy Police? Because I work the hardest, I bet I will be the one to clean up this mess." "Kiyone, will you clean up this mess?" Mihoshi asked. "I knew it..." Tenchi decided to walk to Funaho and take a look at where the shrine would be built. Mayuka was kicking around and flailing her arms in the baby backpack. One of her hands managed to find daddy's small ponytail and tug on it. "Ow" Tenchi switched the backpack to the front and looked at Mayuka. "I can't tell you to quit. So I won't even ask." Mayuka stuck her tongue out and laughed. It made Tenchi smile. "When you grow up, I will discipline you. Enjoy this time of innocence and cuteness while you can." Tenchi walked to Funaho, playing with Mayuka as he went along. Something was odd when Tenchi arrived. It was something about the pond. That something beckoned Tenchi to look around. After a minute or two, Tenchi found that something. It was buried in Funaho's roots. It shined brightly in the sunlight. Tenchi put Mayuka in a safe place and proceeded to dig in the roots. "Tenchi, what are you doing?" came Yosho's voice. "Umm, nothing really" Tenchi nervously replied. "It looks like you are doing something." Yosho walked up and took a look. "You might want to use the Tenchiken to open that." Tenchi took out the Tenchiken and opened the roots. "What is the matter with you leaving something here 700 years?" Tenchi asked curiously. "It could have been something I forgot when I landed Funaho here." Yosho said. Tenchi reached into the roots and grabbed the item. After a good tug, Tenchi finally freed the thing. It was a large black box covered in algae from years trapped in the roots. Tenchi rubbed off the algae and looked at it. On it was an ancient crest of the Jurai. "What is it, grandpa?" Tenchi asked. "I can't believe I left this on board. I can't even believe I forgot about it at all." Yosho said in amazement. "What is it?" Tenchi asked. Yosho took the box and opened it with the Tenchiken. Inside was a book and some other assorted things, such as beautifully crafted Jurai boots and clothing and accessories, wrapped in a beautiful black silk cloth. Everything was black, box and all. Tenchi looked in the box. "What are those?" "These are forbidden tools and knowledge of the Dark Jurai." Yosho answered in a serious voice. "Before I pursued Ryoko to Earth and imprisoned her, I hunted Dark Jurai in order to improve my swordsmanship." "You mean like Yuzuha?" Tenchi asked. "Yes." Yosho exhaled, "Like Yuzuha." "But I thought there was only one Dark Jurai, that one being Yuzuha." Tenchi responded nervously. "That is not true. The Dark Jurai are large in number. The Dark Jurai population is equal to that of our Jurai. They live in the Large Magellanic Cloud and Andromeda Galaxy." "But why are they called the Dark Jurai?" "Because they were addicted to war and conflict; along with black magic. The meaning of life to them was war. They perfected the Jurai martial arts to such a level of efficiency that the Jurai emperor banned the efficient techniques." "If the Dark Jurai perfected the Jurai martial arts, why were they banned? Don't we Light Jurai have our own marital arts? Why aren't ours banned?" "Yes, but ours is different. The Dark Jurai were using black magic to make the techniques efficient. Even though it was solely black magic, the emperor was a little irrational and afraid of their Jurai martial arts. This book is the last copy of how to perfect the techniques." "What are you doing with a Dark Jurai book anyway?" Tenchi asked. "I knew that the Dark Jurai were using black magic to perfect the techniques. And if I could read the book and use Light Jurai energy, I could perfect the Jurai martial arts without using black magic. Black magic is what turned the Dark Jurai into who they are today." Tenchi tried to read the book, but Tenchi did not yet know the Jurai language. "Can I try to learn them?" asked Tenchi. "I can't let you learn the Jurai martial arts yet until you learn to completely control your Jurai energy. You haven't even perfected your swordsmanship." "But I can generate 3 wings of the Light Hawk without a Jurai tree!" "Yes, that is true. But there are other things I need to teach you before you can begin. That is about two months away. Even then you won't be ready entirely." "Will I ever be ready?" asked Tenchi. "You will know when you're ready. You have thousands of years to be ready. Remember, Jurai live long lives. They live VERY long lives." "I want to be ready now! Thousands of years are too long to wait!" Tenchi yelled. "Anyways, I'm taking Mayuka back for her afternoon nap." Tenchi picked up Mayuka and took her to the house. Yosho sighed. "Tenchi, patience is the best thing. Just wait it out." Tenchi was in hearing range but chose to ignore the advice. Tenchi returned to the house and put Mayuka in a crib. "Lucky baby. You don't have to worry about training. At least not yet do you have to." Tenchi remembered Ryoko before Mayuka was revived, saying she would be Mayuka's personal trainer. "Waiting would be a nice option on that one." Tenchi breathed. "Why can't I do things now?" "What's wrong?" asked a voice. It was Washu's. "Washu... You'll watch Mayuka again?" "Yeah. But you still didn't answer my question." "Grandpa won't train me in the Jurai martial arts. And I can't read the Jurai language yet in order to read the martial arts book myself. Grandpa says I'm not ready yet." "I see." Washu thought a moment. "I know!" she exclaimed. "What?!?!" Tenchi asked. "I can use my new machine on you!" Washu relished the thought. "It makes a map of electrical patterns in your brain that makes knowledge!" Washu laughed. "Uh. Come again, Washu?" Tenchi had a big sweat drop on the back of his head. Having his brain meddled with was not his idea of learning the Jurai language. "Our memories and knowledge are nothing more than electrical patterns in our brains. My machine can draw these patterns in your brain with certain types of neurons that help make your memories and knowledge!" Washu wanted to play around with her new toy. "Will it work? I don't want my brain messed up the rest of my life." Tenchi was not convinced that Washu's machine would work. "Sure!" Washu reassured Tenchi. "I perfected a machine similar to it that extracts brain patterns. If it messed up and I had a backup copy of your brain, I could remap it if it messed up. That is, if it DOES mess up. Very few of my inventions do mess up. Remember, Mihoshi makes them mess up." Tenchi was intrigued by these martial arts. After deliberating on Washu's words, Tenchi agreed to subject himself to the machine. "Don't worry, Tenchi." Washu smiled. "It will be alright." Washu picked up Mayuka and prompted Tenchi to follow her to the lab. It was about 20 minutes until the building of the small shrine. Washu told Tenchi that the machine would take less than 20 seconds to map the knowledge in his brain. Tenchi was wondering about the events and how the day was beginning. Tenchi wondered if this was the start of a new adventure... End of Chapter 1