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AJ McLean: This site is dedicated to Amanda, my twin.

Thank you for visiting my dedicated AJ site. I like Nick, but since my sister loooooves AJ, I made this site just for her!! I have no connection to the Backstreet Boys, their record company, their tour, or family. I am just a HUGE fan. Do not take any pics from here. You must ask me to use them and I will send you the URL. Also, there has been a major change reguarding the mailing lists. I have not yet figured out how to do the dang thing so click on AJ to find out how to sign up! Sorry to those who I emailed telling about but then got here and did not see a mailing list thing. Click on the 2nd to see a way cool page!! Click on the firstAJ to go to sign up for the new: AJ McLean Online Magazine!

<bgsound src="mariahcareyhero.mid" loop=infinite> Music is Mariah Carey's Hero. Couretsy of Columbia Records. All Rights Reserved. Click for Waco, Texas Forecast

Why I dedicate this site to my twin:

FuN LiNkS!

My BSB site
Learn about the webstress!
official site
Amanda's site!
My 98 Degreež site.
My other 98° site!
Learn about Mr. Bone!
Some cute pics!
Contact me and Amanda!!
Amanda's about her site!
Pics: Page 2
Weather Around America
My calender!! Check it out!!
Awards this page has one
