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More pictures from American Heritage

This is a continuation of pictures from our sick trip on American Heritage! If you want me to put soem more up or change some of them...send them to me at or just tell me about the pictures ok! thankz :)

Us Gals!

This is a picture of some of us gals relaxing and seeing the beatiful view of New York City at the top of the Empire State Building! and if your wondering who those guys are...they were just some guys we saw and asked to take a picture with them... jejeje :)

Felicia, Ellese, Alexis, Mariela, Ashley, Illana, Gracy, Sara, Cristel and Delia

This is a picture of some of the girls at the 50s style diner in New York City right before the Broadway show of either the Lion King or Aida! This is where la ChiChi LoKa kariokied to Britney Spears's "Sometimes" jejeje....

Felicia (me) and Ashley

Me and Ashley coming out of the Hotel in Boston in the morning when it was snowing! (this was he day after i died my hair..jeje...can you tell?)