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American Heritage

This is a page dedicated to the people that went on the Spring Break vacation to Washington D.C., Gettisburg, Intercourse, New York and lastly Boston on this trip that we like to call American Heritage!!! It was a pretty cool trip, even though most of us were falling asleep at all the tours because we were so tired from the night before! Getting about 3-4 hours of sleep at night! and waking up at the but crack of dawn! But the shopping made up for the tiredness we all experienced! jeje 5th Avenue in New York City was badass! Well here are some pics from the trip! hope you enjoy! :)

Monica, Ashley, Palos (aka A.B. Quintanilla) Mel, Cristel, Annais, Delia and Jazmina

This is one of the first pictures we took at the airport in Atlanta, Georgia waiting for our connection flight to Baltimore, and from there we arrived in Washington D.C.

Girls in Washington

This is a picture of a bunch of the girls at a monuement in Wasington D.C. howww cutee!!! :)

Delia and Felicia

Watch out for the public road dont want to see any cars here in Pennsivania! jejeje This is a picture of me and Delia in the Amish place called INTERCOURSE, PA. jeje