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Friends, Buddies, Pals, Amigos!

This is a picture page that is dedicated towards all the DeNt ChIx and our friends!!! This page just has some pics of us at parties, and stuff...Hope you like them :) If you want to have any pictures put up on this page...send them to me at

Me (Felicia), Delia, Chris, Elizabeth and Priscilla

This is a picture at my house during my sis's party by the Christmas tree! howww cuteeee! jeje :)

Sara, Delia, Chris, Elizabeth, and me (Felicia)

This is a picture of the DeNt ChIx at our Sophmore retreat... I guess you could say we had fun...taking tonz of pics..jeje...but other than that, it was pretty boring, same shit over and over again!

Do you think they are real? hmmmmm.......jaja.. j/k they are!

This is a picture from Alex's party! It was one sick party! At the moment that this picture was taken, someone got a bit excited and decided to show the twins off! jejeje...what do you think?