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Intoduction to the Internet Protocols

Table Of Contents

  1. What is TCP/IP?
  2. General description of the TCP/IP protocols
    1. The TCP level
    2. The IP level
    3. The Ethernet level
  3. Well-known sockets and the applications layer
    1. An example application: SMTP
  4. Protocols other than TCP: UDP and ICMP
  5. Keeping track of names and information: the domain system
  6. Routing
  7. Details about Internet addresses: subnets and broadcasting
  8. Datagram fragmentation and reassembly
  9. Ethernet encapsulation: ARP
  10. Getting more information

This document is a brief introduction to TCP/IP, followed by advice on what to read for more information. This is not intended to be a complete description. It can give you a reasonable idea of the capabilities of the protocols. But if you need to know any details of the technology, you will want to read the standards yourself. Throughout the text, you will find references to the standards, in the form of "RFC" or "IEN" numbers. These are document numbers. The final section of this document tells you how to get copies of those standards.


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