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The 9th Circle of Hell

A Myth II Gaming Order- This site is totally subject to change at any time... Opened 8-26-99

This order was created by four people(Well, lets make it 5, Croaks was lazy and did not join right off the bat..heh) who have played Myth TFL and Myth II Soulblighter for many moons. Well we have grown by leaps and bounds and have actually acquired a if we can just find a way to become reputable...

EvilAlive's Lair

Azathoth's Lair

Pagan God's Lair

Wisdomatic's Lair

Croaker's Lair

Anyways, as we like to say "Welcome to Hell" New forum here

To get a look at our orders current status on you can click here.
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Heres a link to one cool myth site we like to prowl for fun :) Myth 2 Players
Maybe people still go to this site...Bungie.Net

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