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Assistant Director Walter Skinner

Name: A. D. Walter Sergei Skinner
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Sex: Male

History: Assistant Director Skinner joined the United States Marines in 1968. He served on active combat duty in Vietnam, receiving a Purple Heart after emerging as the only survivor of an enemy ambush. After his military service, A. D. Skinner joined the Bureau; he quickly advanced through the ranks, becoming a Special Agent in charge of a field office before his transfer to Bureau Headquarters in Washington. Several promotions followed. Agts. Mulder and Scully had been assigned to the X-Files for over a year before A. D. Skinner received supervisory responsibility over their activities. While he has proven to be a tough taskmaster, A. D. Skinner has also shown compassion for his subordinates. When necessary, he has defended them in word and action, surviving not only several campaigns to blackmail or discredit him, but also a number of attempts on his life.

Tightly focused on the responsibilities of his position, A. D. Skinner has managed to keep his personal life private and strictly segregated from his professional life. His marriage to Sharon Skinner remained unknown to Agts. Mulder and Scully until well into their second year under A. D. Skinner's supervision. For recreation and to stay fit, A. D. Skinner enjoys golf and jogging.

Position: Assistant Director

