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CSM/Cancer Man/CGB Spender

Person Type: Status Unknown
Name: The Cigarette-Smoking Man
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Sex: Male

History: Known only by the sobriquet, "The Cigarette-Smoking Man," this government functionary is highly secretive, yet uncommonly bold. He often works with, or perhaps for, a group of powerful men based in New York. It is difficult to assess his status and power within the group. The Cigarette-Smoking Man commands a shadowy array of clandestine operatives to do his bidding, but he has often had to rely on his own resources to execute an action. He at times has advised and monitored Bureau Assistant Director Walter Skinner.

The Cigarette-Smoking Man joined the military immediately upon reaching majority age. He rose rapidly, reaching the rank of Captain by the age of 25. He is known to have been involved in numerous covert foreign operations for Central Intelligence. Rumors have also placed the Cigarette-Smoking Man at Dealey Plaza in Dallas in 1963, and near the Lorraine Motel in Memphis in 1968. That these may simply be stories to enhance his stature among the black ops he employs is not out of the question. He was, however, instrumental in assigning Alex Krycek to the X-Files as a means to monitor and thwart Agts. Mulder and Scully.

The Cigarette-Smoking Man's personal background is quite notable. His father was a communist activist in the 1930s who was executed in Louisiana for espionage in 1941. The Cigarette-Smoking Man’s mother died of lung cancer shortly after her husband’s death, at which time the Cigarette-Smoking Man was sent to a succession of orphanages until he was of age to join the military. He was a friend and professional colleague of Agt. Mulder's father, William Mulder, and has claimed to have known Agt. Mulder’s mother prior to Agt. Mulder's birth. Little is known of his current interests. He fancies himself a writer in the mystery/thriller genre, under the nom de plume Raul Bloodworth. He lives alone in a small apartment at 900 West Georgia Street in Washington, D.C.

Position: Unknown position of power

Photographic Evidence of his Existance
