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Dream of: 15 July 1986 "Improved Flying Ability"

About 10 a.m. I had gone to Patriot, Ohio to a spot close to the Patriot post office—where a well was located—to fetch some water. I was surprised to see my ex-wife Bonnie, who had come to visit me. We talked. Seeing her again was a real pleasure.

I had been learning how to fly and was now able to run, jump into the air, and fly. I decided to give Bonnie a demonstration of my flying virtuosity. I ran, jumped into the air and—with the assistance of a white sheet I was holding to help me guide better—began flying. It was quite windy and suddenly a current of wind caught me. At first, I had simply intended to stay close to the ground, but then I decided to just go with the wind for a change.

The wind carried me so high I could barely see Bonnie on the ground. I thought I saw her waving to me, but I was unsure. I must just be a speck in the sky to her. I could see all of Patriot below me, including what appeared to be four men lying and sunbathing on lawn chairs. I was so high I was even above a flock of white birds.

I felt I had developed my skill at flying to a pronounced degree and felt good in the sky. I had much more control than I had ever had before; but I still had much to learn and I was still apprehensive about being so high.

Finally, I decided to descend; but I was not completely sure how to go about it safely. I put myself in a perpendicular, standing position with my arms by my sides. That way I could slice down through the air and then level off when I came close to the ground. I descended rapidly. When I approached the ground, I spread out my limbs, finally hitting the earth. Although I had not hit hard, it was somewhat harder than I had planned.

I stood up, walked over to Bonnie, and said, "You've never seen me go that high before, have you?"

She admitted she had not. She seemed rather impressed, but she seemed to be preoccupied by something else. Suddenly, she asked me if I knew Mike Spencer (a former high school schoolmate). I could tell she was interested in Spencer, and I had the impression that she wanted to go out with him. I told her I knew who he was. I told her he was overweight, ugly, and stupid. She thought he had a good build and was still interested in him.

She wanted to know if he was a water diver. I remembered that he used to work for a water rescue department in Portsmouth. He would water dive into the Ohio River and try to save people. I thought he must still be doing the same thing after all these years.

I told her she should go ahead and call him if she wanted to go out with him. She said she did not want to do that. I felt somewhat offended and told her it was rather an insult for me to think she would even consider going out with someone like that. I said, "But I suppose there couldn't be much more of an insult than having married Vernon."

I thought that her husband Vernon was a low-life character. It still caused me pain to think that Bonnie wanted to go out with someone else besides me. Although I had the feeling she would have liked to have gone out with me also, I was not ready to ask her out right now and I did not feel like spending a lot of time talking with her.

A black antique car which belonged to my step-grandfather Clarence was sitting near us. I got into the car and began looking around in it. In the glove compartment I found some basic English readers which Clarence apparently had been studying to learn how to read better. I also saw a certificate which he had received.

I got back out of the car and realized Bonnie had already left. I thought, "Well she's probably gone over there to see about talking to Spencer."

I thought about flying up to the Gallia County Farm, but that was about 15 kilometers away and might be a little too far. I really had not mastered flying enough to fly that far. I might get up too high and not be able to control my flying, but I might be able to fly low part of the way to lessen the risk. Perhaps I would just walk to the Farm instead.

A fellow (probably in his mid-20s) drove by in a car headed west. The car had a large, yellow, rubber raft on top of it. The raft had two "for sale" signs on it and the fellow was holding a "for sale" sign in his hands even as he drove. The raft could probably be bought cheaply, although I certainly did not need a raft. I wondered if he were selling the car with the raft so the raft could be transported on it. Most people would not have a car on which they could carry a raft.

I suddenly realized I had been dreaming; I needed to record what had taken place. I thought back over what had occurred. I remembered that I had gone to the well to fetch some water because there was no water at the House in Patriot. When I had first gone down to the well, I had seen Clarence's car and had begun going through it.

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