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Dream of: 15 April 1986 "Ghost House"

I was riding along when I came to a construction project where some work had been done on what appeared to be an old age home of some sort. A woman who accompanied me began telling me that the construction company had fired one of its female employees because the employee had begun examining some company books. When the courts discovered why the company had fired the woman, the courts had closed down the construction project. I asked the woman talking to me what the employee had found when she had examined the books, and the woman talking to me replied, "She won't tell anybody."

The woman with me told me that part of the project consisted of a large house and that construction on the house had also ceased. The house was now being offered for sale for around $300,000. The woman said that the house was nice, and that it would probably be worth twice the asking price if it had been completed, but much work still needed to be completed in the interior.

When we rode closer to the house, I could see the female employee who had been fired sitting there looking through some books. Her face was beet-red. Apparently, she was afflicted with a disease which made her so red.

The woman with me asked me if I wanted to see the interior of the house and we walked on in. Other people were in the house. I saw a servant whose name was "Agnes." I found a baby, picked it up and began looking at it. The baby was apparently somehow related to the old female employee who had been fired.

I walked to the back part of the house where I found another baby which apparently was the grandchild of the old female employee. The woman with me said she was going to adopt that baby.

We began walking back through the house which indeed was very nice inside and sported much light-colored finished woodwork.

I suddenly realized that I myself I was also a woman in my mid 30s and suddenly things began looking spooky to me. Someone asked me if I wanted to spend the night there. I had been thinking of staying there tonight, but now the whole house seemed like some kind of ghost house.

The woman with me walked ahead until I lost sight of her. When I saw the servant Agnes descending some stairs, I hollered, "Agnes! Agnes!"

Agnes, however, didn't even turn around to look at me. Instead, she continued down the stairs until she disappeared. I looked around trying to locate the woman who had been with me. Suddenly, I heard a moan somewhere in the house. It was frightening and I was no longer sure what to do. I then walked into another room and hollered, "Madam! Madam!"

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