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Dream of: 21 September 1985 (2) "Divorce Papers"

I was working for a lawyer doing some courier service. When he gave me five papers to take to Sullivan (a Dallas attorney), I looked over the papers and realized they were divorce papers. Apparently the lawyer I worked for was representing Sullivan's wife.

I reached Sullivan's office and asked the receptionist if she could reach Sullivan for me, but she was unable to get him. So I walked on back to his office to where his personal secretary was. I could see him in the other room. He was on the phone and I didn't want to barge in. The secretary was also on the phone. I debated whether it might be better to return to the reception area, but I decided to wait where I was since I knew Sullivan personally.

I realized I had recently had a dream that Sullivan would be getting a divorce. I knew I had also seen him at the courthouse and he had looked rather disheveled and unshaven. Besides, I thought he was a rather debauched character to begin with. So I wasn't surprised he was now actually getting a divorce.

I looked over the documents and saw the number 26 multiplied by two figures. I thought the figures probably represented bi-weekly payments.

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