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Dream of: 27 May 1985 (2) "Going On A Picnic"

I was sitting in the middle of the front seat of a car. Louise was sitting on my right and on my left driving the car was Louise's father. We were going somewhere in the country, apparently to a picnic.

I had a cover on my lap and under it Louise had stuck her hand inside my pants onto my penis. As I talked with her I wanted to know about her relationship with her new boyfriend. I moved close to her ear and began whispering questions to her. I whispered, "Have you been sucking him?"

She nodded her head that she had. I whispered, "And has he been coming in your mouth?"

She answered, "Yes."

I asked, "Have you been swallowing it?"

She answered, "Yes."

I asked, "Has he been fucking you?"

Again she answered that he had. Her answers were extremely painful for me and I ached as she answered. However at the same time, I felt sexually attracted to her.

She began describing her sex with her boyfriend and said it went on forever and ever. They had only actually finished having sex once or twice because the fellow was able to continue without stopping for long periods. I was concerned he must be better at sex with Louise than I had been. I asked Louise whether she had been climaxing a lot and she indicated she had.

However, it was also obvious she wanted to have sex with me. I had the feeling that even though she had been having great sex with her boyfriend, she didn't really care that much for him. I said, "But you'd like to fuck me too wouldn't you?"

She didn't answer, but I could tell she did. I said, "I'd like to fuck you in the ass the next time."

She answered, "I'd like that."

Finally we arrived at a picnic ground in the country. Louise's father got out and some people in the back seat also got out. I looked for my black shoes which I knew were somewhere in the car and I couldn't find them, although I did find a smaller pair of black shoes. Finally I did find my shoes.

I began thinking I could take Louise alone into the forest and we could have sex there. I might even insert my penis in her rectum. But I would need some Vaseline to do that and I didn't have any.

However, I was concerned about having sex with her because I might catch herpes from her. Perhaps she had contracted herpes from the fellow she had been having sex with. I was unsure I wanted to take that risk.

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