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Dream of: 19 March 1985 "Learning Magic"

While living in the House in Patriot, I met a man who somewhat reminded me of a Buddhist priest and somewhat of Don Juan Mateus (a character in books by Carlos Castaneda). He showed me some magical powers which he possessed, the display of which culminated in his ability to make a plant with a flower spring to life from the ground. The brightly colored plant had spokes sticking out from it. It was truly amazing to see.

Since I had been picked by him to learn of his powers, by simply watching the man, I had acquired some degree of magical power myself. After having been taught, I realized the depth of my experience with the man, but I still thought I needed to pursue further the paths of magical power with someone else. I thought I would need to find a teacher closer to where I lived, probably somewhere in the southwest United States. I didn't have time to traipse off all over the world looking for a teacher.

As I pondered how I had met my first benefactor, I realized that determining how such a meeting takes place was a difficult task. It finally occurred to me that the student must seek out the teacher because with so many young people in the world, a teacher involved in teaching such mysteries could not possibly seek out the student.

I realized I was 32 years old, but I wasn't disturbed by the fact, for I knew I was on the right path in learning about the mysteries of magic. As I continued thinking about Don Juan, I thought, "No sé como, pero me toco la corazon desde la mas intima esquina."

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