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Dream of: 09 September 1984 "Off To Work"

Early one morning while I was in the room of a house where I slept, I saw a fairly large marching band in the next room; all the band members were males. The band began playing and marching past the door, playing the tune, "Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go." Indeed, it was time for me to get up and go to work. I waited to see if any flutes were in the band. Finally two fellows playing flutes, then some men playing another instrument, and finally a short-haired fellow (probably in his early 30s) playing a flute, marched by. Next came the trumpets, followed by Duff (with whom I first came in contact in 1964 when we were both in the seventh grade) playing a loud and boisterous instrument which looked like a saxophone, but which sounded like a trombone. I thought it would be nice if I began playing the flute again and joined a band like that.

My grandmother Leacy was sitting across from me. My mother walked in and sat down on a chair next to me, so her butt was hanging over the side of the chair. I reached over and began feeling where I thought her vagina would be. She stopped me and said she had to go. It seemed as if she and I had been married for a few months, and I thought the spark in our marriage was beginning to die because she was treating me that way.

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