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Dream of: 03 July 1984 "Picture Of A Coffin"

I was alone. My wife Louise had gone to visit my father and my mother in Portsmouth, Ohio. I received a letter which Louise had sent me from Portsmouth. When I opened the envelope from Louise, I found a second long letter inside, and when I began reading the second letter, I realized it had been written by my old girlfriend, Birdie. Apparently Birdie had sent the letter to me in Portsmouth. Louise had obviously opened Birdie's letter, had read it and then had forwarded it to me.

Apparently the last time I had been in Portsmouth I had thought of seeing Birdie, but had never done so. The letter which Birdie had sent me had been in reply to a letter I had sent to Birdie. Birdie talked about many different things in her letter, the tenor of which was generally friendly. Although Birdie extolled her own intelligence, her grammar was faulty, and I was embarrassed to think Louise had read the letter and would have seen that Birdie was really not very smart. I felt bad that Louise had read the letter and I felt that her having opened my mail had been a breach of trust. 

From the letter it appeared Birdie had had a second child by me whom she had named "Steven," but the child had died at childbirth. In the letter was a picture of the funeral which had taken place at Birdie's house. Apparently I had tried to find out about the funeral, but had been unsuccessful. Birdie indicated I had not tried very hard, because contacting the funeral home and obtaining the details would have been a simple matter.

The picture showed the coffin, but not the child, inside Birdie's house, which seemed poor. Apparently Birdie did not have much money, but was managing. 

I thought Birdie and I would continue to have an ongoing relationship through the years because of her daughter Brandi because I would continue trying to learn more about Brandi. I was unsure Louise was going to understand my connection with Brandi, but I thought she would have to try. I also found it interesting that Brandi was not mentioned anywhere in the letter.

Birdie talked about Jesus several times in the letter, quoted the Bible a couple times and gave one reference to a Bible verse. From the sound of the letter, Birdie had apparently become quite religious. I wondered whether she was really religious or just acting. It was difficult to tell.

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