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Dream of: 21 February 1984 "A Contemptive Fellow"

I was in the Waco Law Office, thinking about a construction project on which Mr. Woods (a legal client who owned a Savings and Loan Association) had lent some money on. I knew the project was going to be in two phases, and that the first phase was almost completed. I thought I would like to go to the project site to help work on the second phase.

I was expecting Woods to be coming into the office today and I thought when he arrived I would like to talk with him about my working on the second phase.

I was expecting Woods to go to the office of Jim Terrell (a Waco attorney), so I walked down the hall to Terrell's office. Someone came out just as I reached his door and I asked him if Terrell was inside. He said Terrell was in, and I went in.

But when I went into the room only one man was there – Dawson (a law professor). I sat down and began talking with Dawson. I told him I had learned much about the construction business since I had worked here. I began talking about the construction project in which I was interested. Dawson seemed to be aware of the project. Finally I said, "I guess my question is – What does it take to be able to get out there and work in the field?"

Dawson said, "Well, you are a contemptive fellow."

I replied, "Yea, I don't think I'm going to lose that."

Then Dawson said he didn't like my long hair. It was hanging in my eyes a bit and I knew I needed a haircut.

I told Dawson I had just been sworn in as an attorney that day. I had had my law license already for quite a while; but I had only just today actually been sworn in as an attorney. I explained I didn't want to stop being a lawyer. But at the same time I would like to do something different for a change outside the office.

Finally, Terrell and Wallace (a former law school classmate) walked into the office and began talking. Somebody asked Terrell where he and Wallace had been yesterday. He replied, "Oh, it's just beautiful land."

Wallace then went to a map on the wall to point out where they had been. With his finger he traced a circle from Waco, through Houston, back to Austin, west to El Paso and then back to Waco. He had had something black on his finger so a black circle was left on the map where he had touched it with his finger. The area apparently indicated where they had been yesterday.

Dawson meanwhile had fallen half asleep, I decided to leave and as I made my exit Dawson woke up and I waved good-bye to him.

I continued thinking about what I wanted to do and I began considering even starting a small construction company of my own. Lynn (a Waco attorney) had started his own construction like that; it wasn't impossible. Maybe I would gather together a certain type of workers such as brick masons.

Perhaps I could go around to brick masons' halls, gather a few people together and start my own company with them. Perhaps I would even pick up a hammer and learn to do some of the work myself. Then I would be more able to direct others.

It seemed strange to me that I would be considering doing such a thing in Waco. But I was becoming more and more resigned to staying in Waco. I thought about calling my father and my mother and telling them to move down from Ohio to Texas if I were going to stay here for a while.

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