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Dream of: 11 January 1984 (2) "Autobiography Of A Yogi"

I was sitting in a room with a group of people talking with a fellow sitting in front of me. He apparently knew quite a bit about Hinduism. He said Hindus only counted back 200 years on their calendar. I said, "Well, what about the people who lived before then? What about all the holy men who lived before 200 years?"

He responded, "Saints are always on the trail of another."

That made very good sense to me and clarified what he had said earlier. I said, "Well, you know that book you gave me – it said the same thing in that book. That doesn't make bad sense."

I noticed I had used the negative in responding. I hadn't said, "that makes good sense," but had said, "that doesn't make bad sense." I thought it sounded better that way.

The book I had referred to which the fellow had given me was Autobiography of a Yogi. I hadn't wanted to say the name of the book out loud because I didn't want the other people sitting around to hear it.

Another fellow sitting nearby said he wanted to bet a drink on what we were talking about. I told him I didn't think I wanted to do that.

Rick Dupuy (whom I first met in 1975 when we were in the 10th grade together) was sitting nearby on the floor. He said he wanted to know what we were talking about. I explained to him that the fellow was talking about Hinduism and that Hindus only counted back 200 years on their calendar. I told Rick I had asked the fellow what happened to the people before 200 years and how he had responded that "saints are always on the trail of another."

Rick seemed to be interested. As I continued talking I thought it made very good sense for a saint to be on the trail of another.

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