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Dream of: 06 January 1984 "Icy and Cold"

I had gone to some kind of night club with the intention of meeting my first cousin Jimmy there. I found him sitting at a table on a raised platform at the side of the room. I sat down with him. Out on the main floor a few people were sitting and eating. A band was playing in the room.

A couple blonde women were standing near Jimmy. I noticed him talking to them sometimes. I knew he was married and I wondered whether he was trying to pick the blondes up. I didn't talk with anyone. I just watched Jimmy. I thought he had always had a knack for picking up women like that.

More people gathered around our table and they all decided they were going to go somewhere. Jimmy didn't ask me if I wanted to go. He didn't say anything to me even though he knew I was here.

Seven or eight people rose and left without me. I was rather angry by what had happened. I walked outside and saw them boarding a car. As they pulled out I walked right in front of their car. I wanted Jimmy to see that I didn't even have a ride home and that I was going to have to walk. I thought he might stop and ask me if I needed a ride home, but he drove by without saying anything.

I then realized it had been snowing and sleeting and the roads were treacherously slippery. Five or six centimeters of icy slush covered the ground. It froze my feet as I waded through it. My feet became so cold I could hardly move them. I crept along and then realized I was going to have to return inside and call a cab.

I watched the car Jimmy was in fade down the alley. I thought it was going to be quite dangerous for them. I watched the car approach a stop sign at the end of the alley. I thought maybe they were going to run the stop sign and crash. I half-way wanted it to happen. But they safely made it through the stop sign.

They were quickly out of sight. I heard a siren in the distance and thought, "There must be a lot of sirens out tonight. There's a lot of police out because it's so icy. There will probably be a lot of accidents."

I walked back into the night club, still apprehensive about calling a cab because I thought that would still be dangerous. I thought perhaps I could hole up somewhere backstage where the musicians were for the night.

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