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Dream of: 23 July 1982 "Song Played Over and Over"

poetry and dreams

may have the same source in the


I was watching a scene unfold in an open field surrounded by trees where a group of people had four or five large, hot-air balloons of various colors, including red and blue. The people had tied the balloons together and were about to ascend and escape in them because the people were about to be attacked by a group of Indians.

One man disagreed with the idea of using the baloons to escape. Apparently,—once upon a time—he had owned a balloon and now he did not think these balloons would fly. The others, however, were adamant about using the baloons to escape, and suddenly the balloons took off.

Although most of the women and children had already boarded the ballons, some men still on the ground scurried about and some grabbed for ropes hanging from the balloons. Some ropes looked like rope ladders, as if they were designed for the men to hang onto and climb. The balloons continued ascending until only one long rope was still hanging down.

The man who had disagreed with the baloon-escape project was still on the ground with a couple other men. They grabbed the long rope and the balloon continued ascending.

The Indians could be seen riding up furiously on horses in the distance. I began wondering whether the Indians would be able to shoot arrows and hit the men who were still dangling from the ropes. I thought perhaps the men in the balloons might also have arrows which they could shoot down at the Indians.

The scene changed to what appeared to be a deserted encampment of log houses next to a lake. Through the trees which surrounded the lake, I could see red in the sky and realized the balloons were coming to this encampment which was the place which the people escaping in the balloons were trying to reach.

The balloons were being pulled on a rope by a large, metal machine-contraption chugging along in the sky. The contraption was as large as all the balloons put together. When the contraption and the balloons were almost over top the encampment, something suddenly happened and the balloons and contraption began falling. While the contraption fell close to the log houses, most of the balloons fell into the trees.

The balloons were punctured and dangled in the trees. The people climbed out of the balloons and walked toward the houses where they gathered around an old, gray-haired man who had been the person driving the machine-contraption which had pulled the balloons. He, apparently, had devised the entire plan of escaping in the balloons and reaching the encampment.

The encampment was several days journey by foot from where the Indians were, and since winter was approaching, it appeared that the Indians would not be able to reach the encampment. If the people stayed in the encampment during the winter, they would have to leave early in the spring before the Indians were able to arrive.

Since people were supposed to be already living in the encampment, and no one was there, the people began asking the old, gray-haired man where the people were who were supposed to be there.

Although the old, gray-haired man appeared to be insane and did not seem to know what he was talking about, the people needed to know what had happened to the people who had been living there before. Finally, the old, gray-haired man said he would take the new people to where the other people were. After he made a little speech about how the people there could go with him, several people decided to accompany him.

For a long while, the old man led the way through weeds and bushes while the others followed, until the old man finally stopped and told the others that it was going to be a three days march.

Even though the old man had not said anything, I suddenly realized that he was only intending to lead these people to the graves of the other people—who had already died.

Looking more closely at the old man, I realized that his body appeared to be that of a lizard. Although he still had the same face, he appeared to be a man-sized lizard. The more I saw how peculiar he looked, the more he reminded me of the main character in the movie E.T.

Abruptly, I realized I was sitting in a room watching the old man in a scene on a television screen. The movie was an early one—a precursor of some of the modern day movies of the genre. I particularly noted what a good job of makeup had been done on the old man and I generally thought the movie was an important one.

As I watched, the movie changed into a series of colorful animated scenes with people dancing around, and I became completely enthralled. The music, which seemed like early rock and roll, was also good and played a large role in the effect of the movie. The movie reminded me somewhat of the movie Tron which compelled me to realize even more the technical importance of this early movie.

As the animation and music continued, the scene focused on the blue cover of a record album lying on the street. On the album cover was a picture of a man standing in the rain. I realized I had seen that cover somewhere before, but I could not remember where.

I then looked around the room, and saw my girlfriend Bonnie sitting there and holding the very same album cover in her hand and looking at it. When I asked her if I could see it, she answered, "Well, don't you have this album?"

I replied, "No."

She replied, "Yea, that's right. I've only heard one song at your place."

I knew she was referring to a song by Bob Dylan—she said I played the song over and over.

Then she mentioned something that she had dreamed, which upset me. When she said she had told me about it before, I replied, "The hell you did. I know what you told me and you didn't tell me that."

For some reason I was becoming quite irritated with her.

I looked back on the television screen and saw the lizard man there. The people were trying to decide whether they should spend the winter in the encampment and then tear down the houses in the spring. They thought they could use the wood from the houses to repair the bottom parts of the balloons which had been damaged by the fall.

Then they could try to fly on out of there.

But they were unsure what they were going to do.

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