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Dream of: 07 April 1982 (2) "Bodies In The Basement"

It was the first day of new classes at Baylor Law School; I was sitting toward the back of a class being conducted by McSwain. Five or six new female students were sitting in the front of the class with their seats turned around so they were looking toward the students instead of toward the front. Della (the law school librarian) walked into the room and asked the five or six new students to stand up. Della wanted each of them to say something to the class. Each of the first three students stood up in turn and said something to the class, but the fourth student (an older female) said to Della, "I'm sorry, but I don't think I should have to do this. I object to this."

I myself thought it had been wrong from the beginning to make the students do that. Some hands sprung up and someone said, "I agree. I agree."

A couple people stood up. I also stood up and I shouted, "I agree."

At least half the people in the class stood up and shouted, "I agree!"

Clearly the students thought the new students shouldn't be forced to stand and make statements. Della, obviously angry, didn't say anything; but she stopped the operation.

McSwain spoke for a while, but then stopped. A fellow on my left began playing a large radio so loud that it bothered me because I couldn't hear what was going on in front. Since I thought the fellow was asleep, I walked over to him and turned the radio off. Less than 30 seconds later the fellow turned it back on.

I sat down on an end table next to a girl who was sitting on the floor. She commented how much she loved Cream, and I realized the rock group Cream was playing on the radio. Even though I also liked the music, I was angry because the fellow had turned the radio back on after I had turned it off. I walked back over to the fellow and said, "You ever seen a radio go flying out the window?"

He didn't respond. He looked Mexican; but something in his face reminded me of Blackstock. When I looked at him closer, I realized I knew him. I had once told him of a plan I had to kill four people and put them in the basement of the law school. Seeming to suddenly remember, he said he had forgotten about my plan to kill the four people and down in the basement of the law school. Then he said that a body had been found a month or two ago down in the law school basement. He said the body had been stored and had not yet been examined.

I told him I had not committed the murder, but I was petrified, because I knew I had indeed committed the murder. I had killed someone and hidden the body in the basement. I remembered having covered the body with a cover so no one could see who it was. That body had been found over a month ago; I hoped no one would be able to trace it to me. Now as I looked into the fellow's eyes, I realized I had covered all my tracks except that I had told him about my plan. Now he might be able to blackmail me. I recalled when I had told him my plan, I had told him I wanted to put the bodies in "Manila." I thought I had been referring to the city of Manila.

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