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Dream of: 20 January 1982 "Watches And Maps"

I had gone to and afternoon session of a Remedies class being taught by John Wilson (a law professor). Wilson had called the class to make up for some classes he had missed earlier in the quarter. I was terribly upset about having to go to an unexpected make- up class. I was bored and the class just drug on and on. I looked at the clock in the back of the room; it was almost 6 p.m.

I was sitting in the back of the room close to the door. I had my sleeping bag with me which had come unrolled. I worked for about 15 minutes trying to roll it back up. I became so frustrated that I finally slipped outside the door and worked on it in the hall. Every time I would roll it together it would come undone again. I kept trying to wrap the black string around it that holds it together, but I couldn't seem to make it stay together. Finally, I managed to roll it up and tie it. Then I walked back inside. Since my seat was so close to the door, I was able to exit and enter unnoticed.

The class finally ended. Right at the end of class, I thought I heard Wilson call out my name and Cosby's (a law student) name. I said to Cosby, who was standing right in front of me, "Did he call out my name?"

Cosby answered, "Yep, he sure did. And he called out my name too."

Apparently, Wilson wanted to talk to me. I walked down front toward his desk. I was unsure why he had called m. At first I thought he might want to ask me some questions about the time I had been in Iran.

As I proceeded down the aisle, and after about half the people in the class had already left, Wilson said, "Oh yea, I should have told your that I'm going to give one A and one F in this class. That way there won't be any hassles."

Some girls in the class really seemed to like Wilson. They walked up to him and kissed him on the cheek as they were leaving.

By the time I was almost at his desk, I realized people were coming into the room for another class. The new people looked like high school students and I concluded that Wilson was also teaching a high school civics class.

When I reached Wilson's desk, He handed me four small thin booklets but five by ten centimeters in size. He said, "Hurry and look at it, because I can still call it back."

I was unsure what he had meant. I carried the books back to my seat, opened them and began leafing through them. They contained pictures of watches. Cosby was also standing by the desk and when he saw the booklets he said, "Yea, those are exactly like the ones he passed out last quarter. They're nice, but I didn't want to buy any."

I certainly didn't want to buy any either. I kept leafing through the booklets and saw that they also contained maps. I wasn't really sure what to do with the books. I thought perhaps Wilson wanted me to keep them and show them to other people. I thought it would probably be best to be polite about it and take the books back to him and explain that I wasn't interested right now, but that I would like to keep one of the books to look at and maybe show to other people.

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