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Dream of: 23 November 1980 (2) "High School Event"

I had gone to an event at Notre Dame High School in Portsmouth where I encountered my sister. She had earlier been with her husband, my brother-in-law James, but now she couldn't find him.

When the event at the high school had ended, my sister and I rolled together down the little hill in front of the school and I became quite aroused. A lion passed near us twice as we rolled down the hill. Finally we came to a stop, lay together in the grass and I began biting my sister's breast through her blouse.

We stood and walked to my vehicle which wasn't really a car; it consisted of nothing more than two chairs, one in front of the other. I sat down in the one in front and my sister sat behind me. On the side of my chair was a lever which functioned like a gear shift. I pushed it down and the chairs began to move.

A table was in front of us. I had my hands free and began pushing it. We moved along and soon came to the street which leads over the reservoir in Portsmouth. We turned there and I continued sitting on my chair and pushing the table. It was a difficult job for me to push the table up over the reservoir. Finally I decided to park the table at the left side of the street (which was very narrow). I parked under a small tree which extended from the curb out into the street and then I continued on walking.

I finally reached the top of the reservoir where I discovered I was actually in the attic of the Gay Street House. My sister was still with me and she was searching for her car (a black 1960 Ford Falcon) until she realized James had taken the car.

I wanted to tell her I didn't approve of her marriage to James. I had never said anything because I wanted to see how the marriage would turn out. At the moment he was employed working in a fair booth and we both knew it wasn't a good job. I thought maybe now my sister would begin to see the light, but I was still unsure I would tell her what I thought. I began to think maybe she and I could have some sexual activity there in the attic since no one else was around.

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