This one appeared in the Texas Caver, the
official caving magazine of Texas. They printed several other
Calvins, which I am still searching for in my backyard shed. The
smudge on the butler's face is water damage. I suppose I should
try to fix that.
The above left is by Kerry Brown.
This one to the left is a little hard to
make out. We see a cave man shaking a can of spray paint, holding
a stencil of a running deer.
(ahem!) Ah... you see, cave dwelling prehistoric man used to
paint images of game animals in the hopes that he could better
catch them for food. The humor derives from the juxtaposition of
prehistoric man, spray paint, cave paintings, vandalism and food,
all of which have to do with caves.
I guess you had to be there.
Below right is by Kerry Brown.
This one to the left and also the one below right are
by Kerry Brown.
All cartoons (c)WHPayne except where otherwise noted. Cartoons have appeared in past issues of the NTSS Cavers Echo. Cartoons may be reproduced by publications and newsletters of organizations affiliated with the National Speleological Society. Please give credit to the author(s).