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Tomasia's Magazine Tomasia's Magazine
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Hello one and all! I'm Tomasia. *bows as deep as a cat can* But most call me Tommi. I'm Mistoffelees's sister, the one that's not the world's best with magic and can't fight worth a flip. *lol* Welcome to my humble home! I hope you enjoy your stay! We have an Role Playing Message Board and a regular message board as well as a chat! So, come on in and stay for a spell!

WARNING: This page is still under construction, so look out for the flying HTML! *lol*

Maneki Neko of Luck

Last Uddated 6/18/00--I put up a new rule on the RPG Rules page. All RPG members PLEASE re-read the rules!

Thank You!!

Thank you to Rebeaka! She found the "weak link" for my e-mail! *grins*

This is Mitzy. She's a kitten I found in an ally not to long ago, and she kinda started following me around. So, I've been teaching her to help me with the site! (Hey, the brat's gonna hang around, so I'm gonna put her to work!) She helps watch over the Index page here when I'm not around. Keep a look out for some other creatures I put to work on the site too!

COMING SOON! A fan-fics and fan-art page! Places to let your imagination go wild! (As long as it's about CATS of course!)

This where you can find all the fun stuff to see and do, like chat and play in the RPG!

Go here to see the awards I've won AND to see if your fav site can win my award!

Just some stuff about me and me human self, as well as my thank yous!

These are my Link and Webrings I'm in.

That's it.....for now! But I'll be back! With more Jellicle goodies!

View my guest book
Sign my guest book

Disclaimer: All CATS characters, excluding Tomasia and names found on the Thank You page and the Characters Page under Made-Up characters, are copyrighted by the Really Usefull Group, Inc. They do not belong to me or anyone else. Thank you.

E-Mail Tommi

Do YOU want a Cyber Cat like Mitzy??? Check out Cyber Cats for the coolest cats around!

Jellylorum's Jellicle Graphics

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