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Austin's Capital 10K - April 11, 1999

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Sabra,Cynthia,Stacey,Terri,Tina Tina near finish Tina & Eric

1999 White Rock Marathon

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Hanging out in the Hotel before dinner Tawni showing Video of all her Television appearances. Pre Race Dinner
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Pre Race Dinner Pre Race Dinner Texas Connectors Present Tawni a Birthday Card.
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Pre Race gathering (Very cold) Pre Race gathering (cold and windy) White Rock Starting Line
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And they're off....... Dave Cathy & Kim Suzanne, Paula, Tina & Terry waiting to start their leg of the relay.  Jennifer giving words of encouragement.
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Tina starting her leg of the relay. Laura, Tina watching as Suzanne finishes her leg of the relay. DeeDee and Tawni at the 10 mile mark popping some Advil ! ! !
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Terry (Jennifer's boyfriend) finishing his leg of the relay. Nino approaching the 10 mile mark! ! Go Nino ! ! ! Gary (Sabra's Husband) near the finish
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Tawni & DeeDee near the finish Tracey finishing strong Randi just passing the 26 mile mark.  Almost there ! ! !
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Tawni & DeeDee about to cross the finish line Texas Connector Cheering Squad Lynn near the finish
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Nino & Tawni  Nino close to the finish Singing Happy B-Day to Nino (security making sure they don't get out of control)
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Nino's Husband presenting her with flowers Tawni about to give Nino a huge Connector hug ! ! ! Sabra in the home stretch with Texas Connector Support
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Connectors bring Sabra in. Kelly with well earned medal Eric, Tawni & Tina
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Shez, Bobbie, Paula, Kathy, Cathy Tawni presenting award to Tina Texas Connectors Post Race Picture with Tawni